Message from @thecarlinrhode
Discord ID: 801517553619828766
U are a kike
what was your ethnicity again
Mr "jacksonian"
Better than being a penny pinching Jew fag
Im not a jew
You sound like one
Thank you
@thecarlinrhode what are your political beliefs
I'm the lorded guy. This is my alt account.
I have mutualist tendencies
@Erlik ᚯ Hello Microwiki guy
Ya sup
something big will happen today
- Q
<:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952>
Well I am incredibly proud to announce after year of grooming, @thecarlinrhode aka Edward is finally racist
Everyone please congratulate
Of course he still believes in democracy and individual liberties but that will go away
Well look who is wrong now
I might be goin to jail soon
suspect in each of the cases was described as
"fitted the fuck out, head to toe, in some damn yeezy"
whos edward
1. pic: celtic subhuman falling for slave morality 2. pic: Anglo Germanics showing dominance
simple as
oh hey oistoy sharing exo science