Message from @alternate
Discord ID: 801516291873046528
die kike
ofc if we kept the anti centralization beliefs we had back then
no strong military no national bank
U are a kike
what was your ethnicity again
Mr "jacksonian"
Better than being a penny pinching Jew fag
Im not a jew
You sound like one
Thank you
@thecarlinrhode what are your political beliefs
I'm the lorded guy. This is my alt account.
I have mutualist tendencies
@Erlik ᚯ Hello Microwiki guy
Ya sup
something big will happen today
- Q
Well I am incredibly proud to announce after year of grooming, @thecarlinrhode aka Edward is finally racist
Everyone please congratulate
Of course he still believes in democracy and individual liberties but that will go away
Well look who is wrong now
I might be goin to jail soon
suspect in each of the cases was described as
"fitted the fuck out, head to toe, in some damn yeezy"
whos edward
Daily reminder
1. pic: celtic subhuman falling for slave morality 2. pic: Anglo Germanics showing dominance
simple as