Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 802215914011361364
u r a disgusting ppl even for slav standards
@Legion Polski Slava Slaviyanskom Rodu
Do you want partner?
What's your server @Legion Polski
holy fuck dude
Send me an invite moron
i send you
lol why did hare get banned
he seems based now
which book?
found it
Institute for National Revolutionary Studies
Terrifying day for the white race when Serbs get to dictate membership
better than a liberal doing so <:insanity:795501256201469952>
Didn't the English literally found race science n social darwinism
Yes and they're proud <:gigachad:795724987814117386>
No it was God
unironically true
Race and darwinism are fundamental rules of nature
You can't invent that
20th century race science was retarded
Yeah, i prefer 20th century B.C race science
Where swarthy people were executed by looking the wrong way
@Victorian why aren't Serbs white
neoliberalism is fascism 🤓
According to most of the old og racial scientists slavs aren't white
I think idfk know shit about racial sciences I just know they got pwned by the nazis
@Victorian have you looked at this cool site
Uh huh