Message from @P-J ⳩
Discord ID: 803974285688700988
no he lives in midwest
@Deleted User Mein Angebot steht
Hello niggers
A classic
Hate repetitive comments
thw worst thing the german empire did was give 14 year old larp material for decades
foreign 14 year old*
@Heym was hast du geboten
Schnitzel und Bier in Schnellroda
Hi valery
ne giv mir 50€
Every day my hatred for americans grows a bit
@P-J ⳩ then u take the L
I can live with that
what then?
opinion on hitler?
He had some good ideas
what are his non-good ideas?
Animal rights are dumb
wow impressive that is relevant surely
Sheeboon in front of me in the library is literally looking at the top of the Wikipedia page of racism and hasn’t scrolled down for about five minutes
niggers stupid big woop
But why the wiki page of racism and why for so long
And why just the intro/summary of the page
because she cannot read
because black <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:insanity:795501256201469952> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:AAAAA:795724706530590830> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451> <:damaged:795724932729405451>
She still hasn’t even scrolled down