Message from @Gre
Discord ID: 808019336102805544
I can't stand leftcaths
Who though papism was a good idea
This is what happens when you cozy up to breadtubers on twitter
None of this would be happening if we had 2017 youtube
its just like normie content creators rubbing shoulders with the skepticsphere a la 2014-16
Distributism means next to nothing
I know its still gay.
But it makes more sense than being a leftcath.
*OMG he posted le third positionist innuendo and wants based catholic fasist statse!!!11!* and now everyone is shocked about this. I knew he was a retard months ago
Not nazbol just leftism
Hope you all have snow
we did have snow some weeks ago
is this coffee or chow?
did you intentionally type "chow" or was it a typo
ive seen it used on youtube sometimes, truth is i couldnt be bothered to type out hot chocolate
Yea i won't be surprised if he did this to troll people really
I've never heard hot chocolate referenced as "chow". I always heard "chow" used in the context of cheap and disgusting food
maybe i understood the word wrong
Anyway it's hot chocolate
Ya snow here
Lots of it
Don't fall for magna mater cults
How do you reconcile Christianity and state imposed authority
CHristian state
monarchy, i guess
Where the church is either the state (Vatican, England) or heavily intertwined with the state (Russia, Italy)
I am being RT by anarchists nooooo
happens only to the best people
Set up a debate, it's in an hour or less
@rodina why does nick land follow you
why does he follow so many anarchists too lol
vaush will never debate anyone worth their weight tbh he is just a grifter
he is like ben shapiro for left people
if he debated someone worth his(vaush's) weight he would have to debate multiple people