Message from @akumanozetto
Discord ID: 812621568001703936
one sec
Palae-Alpine-Mongoloid peoples
The American race
🇧🇬 ðŸ‡ðŸ‡º
When the impostor is sus
Powerful image! You could topple empires with this photo. @oistoy
So tru
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kill yourself
@Destroykin you listened to the debate slaviyanski brat?
I love how Russians are different from other slavs
I support this
russians are one of the least clean slavs
what's the point?
@Захарченко you are Ukranian?
that explains a lot
you can keep krakow, don't worry
I can find you a muzzie on this server to worship
how about that?
how do you figure?
do you know how to anserw questions?
@Захарченко all Slavs should stick together or we all shall perish
ah yes
a pollack stumped by the application of a counter-question
I just point biological argument
you guys were smarter in 1939
@akumanozetto are you for reunification with Germany?
no I am like the french, I like a lot of smaller germanies