
Discord ID: 613462314716495972

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russians are one of the least clean slavs

I can find you a muzzie on this server to worship

how about that?

do you know how to anserw questions?

I just point biological argument

you have no argument austrian since your country is conquered witouth a war

you know, roman empire fell in migration process too but there was some fight at least

you are inferior to semite

"who just know extremes"

do you have pink hair?

why should I when I'm superior

I have my state perfectly fine while your is dying

I have better right to speak

do you even know who won WW1

are you fucking dumb

that is why all austrians are fucking inferior

"proud roman roots"

damn your ancestors created faggotry that's all romans have achieved

and fell to some jew in palestine

well you are nongerman austrian

he claims to exist

name one thing I have to cope about

then I will name 10 for every 1 you name

"most civilised"

funny to say by 8% muzzie

probably few thousands

and what's your nationality?

5000 prostitues are polish meanwhile 10% of averange western country are muzzies

wow i really prefer those prostitutes

"that can" HAHAHHAHA

exactly every discussion with western nazi we CAN destroy muzzies we CAN kill them yet we dont and watch them fuck our women

the pure race mr goebbels

ok you destroyed yoursefl

you are 8% gypsy

I dont like romania but romanians are still better than fucking austrian

what is your nationality

dont be a coward

LMAO another german

ok explain how your nation is superior when you fail witouth a war to semites?

give a decent argument

did I ask you atheist

have you ever seen pussy so you belive it exists?

your nation is 8% semite

will be 20% by 2050

witouth a single shot

like what? monarchism?

what is that argument even

do you honestly belive that if every neighbour attacked austria you would win?

do you even have brain austriak

typical austriak

cope about your daughter (if you will ever hit) being muzzie

that's a best argument against every western muh nationalist

i can also name how much degeneracy there is

what is your nationality

or conducting massacres in 30s?

"polish commonwealth"

do I praise monarchism anywhere

you have monarchist on the chat ask him such questions

how well jews were in austrian empire

but why I am the one to explain not my system

you have monarchist in the chat he is the one to be anserwing

I can defend current and prewar Poland


why western dumbs can only dream

we CAN destroy muslims... we CAN rape all polish women....

that is only a proof of your inferiority

I'm not at home

I'm not in the street

another projection

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