Message from @Pizarro - TN
Discord ID: 325492749690339338
"What do you think this is comic con?"
Replace the sword with this and we have a deal:
I'd rather die than be seen in public with that
Are you not an autistic Jew like the rest of us? Oy vey, I'm calling the ADL
Are American flags encouraged?
just my advice, hit it up with the southern nationalism
Why not both
im fine with both
but the confederate flags are nice
also its more huwhite
Civi CSA flag master race
The Union flag shouldn't be welcome anywhere imo.
The Union flag shouldn't be welcome anywhere imo.
The Union flag shouldn't be welcome anywhere imo.
The Union flag shouldn't be welcome anywhere imo.
Why? Are we not American Vanguard?
We actually aren't.
If you want a union flag bring peacetime flag imo
Its simultaneously more aesthetic and meshes with our statement better than the current union flag
More like
Ive never liked that flag.
I've never even seen that flag
Is it cause we're never at peace
Haha, true
Send the Instagram link please
I'm pretty sure the account is shadow banned
I cannot find it
@Vice Commander Hunt DM me about your most recent update please
Or send a friend request I'm on my mobile
Who is pushing the word "aesthetic"? To me, it reaks of being a Jewish/materialist/academic word used to sell you something and to obsess over the cosmetic/optics/reputation rather than the discipline/sacrifice/selflessness of our just cause. Officers fresh from the academy are more interested in polishing their shoes than fighting the enemy.
I take your point. But the truth is that aesthetics (an ancient philosophical concept seen in Greco-Roman culture) is important.
Look a the third reich. Aesthetic as fuck.
Greeks and Romans were all conquered the same way.
Yes, the Germans collected very pretty things. Seems like a distraction.
Well when we have a 1,000 year empire we'll be better positioned to criticize them. I think you may be misunderstanind my point. "aesthetics" has a synergistic relationship with the values you mentioned. Discipline etc
What matters to life is the mud-covered boys and flour-covered girls learning to be disciplined men and women so they don't need to import cheap savage labor.