Message from @sbbu
Discord ID: 432032116423786498
If not for Chinese infiltration of our government we'd be better off without the US
We basically have to choose if we want to remain a US puppet state or become a Chinese one
Aussies couldn't even win against emus
Australia has become a newly conquered province of China
Chinese population in Australia: nearly 6%, adding greencards, work visas, students, is much higher
and Chinese are insanely overwhelmingly commie
so it means that Chinese Communist Party has literally become a mainstream big party in Australia
and Canada
Yeah but they're ChinBol so they don't do the globohomo. They carry their nationalism and people with pride!
ironically, right?
chinks make kikes look like angels
and Chinese commie nationalism cares more about destroy and enslave others than improve themselves
China is a country with a fuse
Chinese civil wars are common not because of ethnic or religious divisions, but because of greed
At some point there'll be a crisis of leadership in the party, and leaders of the coastal cities of countless millions in population and billions in income will try to grab more power for themselves
It won't be immediate but there will be a slide into a warring city state dynamic
If you think about it
could the sanctuary state shit be compared to the nullification crisis?
@Huge Brain Oliver quite a ridiculous stretch to say the communist party is "literally a mainstream big party in australia"
of course metaphorically
but they do have some control
puppet control is more dangerous since they are not on ballot, it is harder to hold them accountable
they have the whole Chinese population in Australia tho
a relatively unknown history fact is that Hitler actually liked anime and endorsed it as a propaganda tool. this is a photo of him with his dragon waifu, 1941 (colorized)
Damn even with their city in ruins they still act dignified
Contrast that with cities in the middle east
that is the real gap between different groups of people
some people are with dignity even in poverty and chaos
some other people act like shit even they become rich and highly educated
also in aesthetic
The children are well groomed and everyone is well dressed.
poor guy
imagine how many millions were crippled or maimed by that war
East Asia high IQ