Message from @Punished Bob
Discord ID: 434158719274713088
Absolute Chad
I have some
My portfolio is fairly diverse
how often do you get dividend checks?
I have all my money in stocks
I get that everyday
I only have 2k in liquid capital
650k in stocks
Make sure you are supporting GOP stocks over Dems. Cargill was hit with hostile takeover by Wargrave. He is trying to take all business from P & G
If you own cargill vote wargrave as CEO
mfw there are 4 different commie parties in USA
Whenever there is a reset we all need to pool our money and build a nicker corp.
Do we keep money after reset?
i don't think so
bracket me, now
Because we have too many good posters excluded from this
FUCK, how could you put fed and greg together
change that
I know right greg would fuck fed
but both are great posters
that should be for like final 4
do you have jsac
seated #1
goes against seated #2
this is how a bracket is made
fucking ban shoepill
take away his sheild
im trying to teach you retards how to make a bracket
that not even how it works either
shoepill do not delt
this is ur warning
even if exclude me broseph goes against bob
#1 goes against last placec