Message from @Orlunu
Discord ID: 373287625639067668
I am virulently anti-socialist, ergo not a national socialist.
I am, however, pro-white.
Is that a problem?
that is a retarded argument Nothing
them disinviting a few people does not nullify the views they hold
yes, of course he did
the mechanics of NatSoc and Marxist socialism are wildly different
hence why the former is actually useful in some specific circumstances
he's not alt-right, he doesn't claim to be alt-right, nobody in the alt-right thinks he's alt-right
do you want me to find one of the video clips?
it's been reiterated endlessly, even I know that and I can't stand watching him
also, yay blue \o/
I still dont know your basis on the claim that Alt-right arent white nationalists Nothing
yes, _all_ of the leftists do, most of the cuckservatives do, and a fair number of the alt-light do
that's a lot of people
I'm saying that it doesn't make him a member of a group or an adherent of an ideology that he isn't
maybe people looking in form the outisde might be confused as they often are, but the alt-right has pretty consistently been about race-realism and nationalism from my experience
god damn it, ninja'd
ok, but his form is a weak version of the form of what I was describing, not the form you were describing
I wouldn't
the last of that died with the strike on Assad
Richard Spencer is pretty clearly a white nationalist as well, so if you think hes the leader then how is the alt-right not white nationalist?
in the only alt-right that isn't the fever dream of rabid leftists
I think dicky is a fed and a moderate one at that
No real time to explain as im going to sleep
no, what you think is the alt-right doesn't exist
dicky may well be a fed, but it still doesn't mean that this 0 population movement you imagine is a real thing
the reasoning you've prevented so far (if I'm not wrong) is:
1. he's got bad tactics, therefore the movement isn't white nationalist
2. a load of delusional lefties think that Trump boys are alt-right, so they are
the actual self-identified alt-right
I'm not alt-right
and even those who are don't take him as their leader
Im "hooked on this conversation" because you brought it up Nothing, thats how this entire conversation started, and now you cant even back up your intital claim. Where did you explain to me how theyre not white nationalists?
please do
ill wait
thats is fucing retarded
That does not make someone not a white nationalist, and richard spencer is not the ultimate authority in the alt right
are you fucking dense, Richard Spencer is not the ultimate authority in the alt right, and I dont know wether or not he supposts interracial relationships or not, or wether he supports homosexuality since I don't pay much attention to him (youd have to point me to where he says that), but that does not mean the alt right is not white nationalist
the alt right has no leader it's an alliance of far right groups