Message from @neetkthx

Discord ID: 373264111334719508

2017-10-26 22:18:44 UTC  

you know them, so you should be able to form an opinion bridge based off of what you know of them

2017-10-26 22:18:56 UTC  

good point

2017-10-26 22:19:16 UTC  

yeah chunking people up into villages has the added benefit of stereotyping

2017-10-26 22:19:19 UTC  

if im a terrible judge of character, and you ask me if steve the mechanic is going to fuck you, and i say 'nah steves great'

2017-10-26 22:19:20 UTC  


2017-10-26 22:19:30 UTC  

which acts as a "shortcut" in forming opinions about people

2017-10-26 22:19:32 UTC  

be wary friend

2017-10-26 22:19:54 UTC  

that's essentially the function of that psychological feature

2017-10-26 22:20:23 UTC  

i think that for better or worse, this current techno-hell-hole we live in right now does do a lot to circumvent the worst bits of the issuess with dunbar's number

2017-10-26 22:20:42 UTC  

"the village over there are good people, we trade with them regularly. We kicked their asses last summer in foozball. And one of our girls just married one of their warriors"

2017-10-26 22:20:56 UTC  

yelp is like a proto-village leader that can grant value judgements for you, as an example

2017-10-26 22:21:10 UTC  

yeah technology does change things

2017-10-26 22:21:14 UTC  

like look at us right now

2017-10-26 22:21:22 UTC  

we're part of the same village, tribe, culture whatever

2017-10-26 22:21:37 UTC  

if you were my next door neighbor, we'd totally be bros

2017-10-26 22:21:59 UTC  

but IRL, throughout European history, this wouldn't be happening

2017-10-26 22:23:03 UTC  


2017-10-27 00:04:05 UTC  

While families are important, the mother and children would be a net drain in the first few months of the settlement. Young single men are the most important settlers. They don't have anything holding them back from moving to the PNW and starting the hard first step of our project. Women won't be willing to sleep in the dirt while houses are built and food is grown. I know you married men see your women as strong, but human biology makes that opinion false.

2017-10-27 00:05:23 UTC  

tbh Im not planning on sleeping in the dirt either

2017-10-27 00:17:52 UTC  

yeah, i feel like at some point we need to clarify this, the objective for this channel, the movement or project or whatever you want to call it, isnt log cabins and biofuel gasifiers and no electricity

2017-10-27 00:18:19 UTC  

i fully support any man that wants to walk into the woods and never walk out

2017-10-27 00:18:35 UTC  

just dont look to me to build my mud hut next to yours

2017-10-27 00:18:47 UTC  

i want heated floors and high speed internet

2017-10-27 00:18:49 UTC  

and costco

2017-10-27 00:19:07 UTC  

maybe not costco 5 minutes from my house, im willing to drive

2017-10-27 00:21:29 UTC  

First and foremost were here to find good neighbors, survivalism is optional

2017-10-27 00:45:20 UTC  

@neetkthx How are you going to get to costco after the US government collapses and the dollar becomes worthless? I'm not saying we live like ted kazcynski, but we'll need to be self sufficent before the collapse.

2017-10-27 00:47:06 UTC  

man, im not going to sit here and say that on a long enough timeline something like that wont happen, but if i operate under the belief that it's going to happen tomorrow, or out of the clear blue sky, then i may as well just pack it in, go build my mud hut, and live a hunter gatherer life of fear and hunger

2017-10-27 00:47:48 UTC  

the idea here is to congregate, concentrate, plan and wait

2017-10-27 00:47:59 UTC  

Anarcho-Primitivist 4 life

2017-10-27 00:48:16 UTC  

im not going to build the walls of my city until i actually live there, it's hard to move walls

2017-10-27 00:49:34 UTC  

i feel like there will be a very visible build up to whatever abortive civil war does happen, and im not 1000% convinced that the eventual event will be enough to completely shatter the US

2017-10-27 00:49:59 UTC  

if you're not assuming the end is at hand, the quickest way to become self reliant is to start with some degree of external support and replace it with community-based providers as you develop

2017-10-27 00:50:16 UTC  

by that point i hope to be in the company of my brothers and sisters, prepared to weather the storm, if i'm not there yet, its not for lack of trying to be

2017-10-27 00:50:37 UTC  

as long as there is a strong enough in group preference that you will favour local producers even at a slightly greater price, you will get to autarky soon enough

2017-10-27 00:53:54 UTC  

there's a nihilistic endpoint with any 'great conspiracy' or 'imminent collapse' belief

2017-10-27 00:54:04 UTC  

if we're fucked tomorrow, whats the point of anything

2017-10-27 00:54:15 UTC The US won't be around in twenty years because no politcian is willing to cut gibs. next look at the total debt owed by the government. Then add in the fact that the only think holding up our standard of living is the petro dollar. We as a nation are living on borrowed time.

2017-10-27 00:54:19 UTC  

if they control everything, whats the point of doing anything

2017-10-27 00:54:49 UTC  

cool, i have 20 years to build then

2017-10-27 00:55:05 UTC  

(((they))) won't have our military after the collapse.