Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 360542099986448385
It depends on the cow, cow's age and feed. Personaly I perfer more animals because it minimizes the chance of catastophry.
P.S. did you know that there are dairy sheep breeds.
sheep milk
Sheep herding would give the ladies plenty of work and generate a nice income for the community
maybe putting up our best livestock for studding
Anyone know anything about sheep?
not really tbh
also here's a bit of something on agriculture if we decide on mossy rock
I know orchards are huge in WA and OR
What sort of orchards?
Christmas tree farming?
im not sure what particular fruits they grow
Wew cozy
no, fruit trees
def apples
Damn we could found a fashy cider brewry lol
the image i just posted comes from my link
Apple orchards.. That's a god-tier life
Berries too, again lots of products we could make with those harvests
All natural too
Lady and child friendly work too, picking apples and berries
I want to brew alcohol someday
theres something really comfy about it
i want to raise good, white children who understand work ethic
who work around the house
literally only thing i want
On the subject of homeschooling
but yeah alcohol brewing might be fun
We can get away with not having a (((school))) in our community if we all do it
And yeah I like the idea of a brewery. Folkish work and will generate income.
or we can simply build a private school
otherwise rural schools are still much more redpilled than urban ones
As long as we don't have to worry about "teacher, daddy is a nazi and so are all my neighbors"