Message from @K_Wagner
Discord ID: 361313724591767572
Also, the relative amounts you are talking about here (soy oil additives) are so low that even if they had an effect, it would hardly be measurable.
It's the same as mercury in vaccines, people who don't understand science see it and freak out without any frame of reference for the quantities being used.
To the point where vaccine makers had to replace the mercury with something else totally unnecesarily.
Which is probably more harmful. kek
For all you gaming faggots
You can get Outlast for free
Only for a day though
How do you all feel about tattoos? Will degenerates like me who have one or two be shunned? lol
i think the kind of tattoo you have is important to consider
It's a Teutonic cross
Got it in my military days
Anyone got a S8 Note?
Err Note 8.
I have a tattoo, might get another 😄
AF is.. "neat"
learned a lot though
Yeah, even the most basic military service has its benefits
Countries with mandatory conscription may be onto something
What's the best way to fix a shitload of mp3 and m4x metadata/tags?
Doubleslit experiment. This is how you can imagine light to behave. Light behaves like a wave. When it go through one of the slits, it can be looked at as the center of new emerging waves.
Just spreading some knowledge.
Asian success is one of the best arguments for the relation between IQ and race