Message from @BigRedBat

Discord ID: 797602987702747156

2021-01-09 22:48:38 UTC  

in my opinion, trump needs god himself to come down and intervene, almost everyone has abandoned him

2021-01-09 22:50:23 UTC  

almost everyone abadoned him, because there is too much damaging information about most US politics. They are pressured. If they dont do what deep state says, compromising information will come out, so they will go to prison, lose jobs, or get death penalty....

2021-01-09 22:51:34 UTC  

thats true, they are a bunch of lily-livered cowards and want to sell our thier country so they can have a job for a few more months. its so despicable.

2021-01-09 22:52:44 UTC  

if globalists officialy get in power, what is the next thing we have to expect?

2021-01-09 22:56:18 UTC  

They were always in power. Till they lost to President Trump with the 2016 election. And they are willing to destroy the world and everyone in it in order to ensure that they not only regain that power, but making sure that they dont lose it again.

2021-01-09 22:56:47 UTC  

id expect mass forces immunizations, global tracking chips everything they said they would do, they are rolling out right now, but after that, i believe that an armed revolution will take place, and will closely follow the timeline of the american revolution, a boston massacre happening, a 2nd lexington and concord and so on and so forth. the american people are awakening to what is happening within the world, and many others outside of the US are too. the globalists were doomed from the start, its only a matter of time till they fall

2021-01-09 22:58:50 UTC

2021-01-09 22:59:07 UTC  

Might need some verification, considering the source

2021-01-09 23:00:20 UTC  

Not sure if the Health Ranger, or Infowars ran an article regarding it.

2021-01-09 23:00:39 UTC  

If Donald Trump is killed, this will explain why Nancy Pelosi is so agressive in her desire to impeach and arrest Trump. If Trump is arrested, there wont be need for Trump to be shown on media for any reason, so they can talk he is arrested, this is why people dont see him. They can talk this for years, while he is actually dead. Do you agree with me?

2021-01-09 23:01:58 UTC  

The way I understand it, if the impeachment suceeds, it will prevent Trump from running from office again in 2024, and will guarantee that in the event the info regarding the Deep State is released, Trump cannot run for a second term from 2020.

2021-01-09 23:02:24 UTC  

They would not impeach a sitting president if said president was allready dead.

2021-01-09 23:02:59 UTC  

Do they want to arrest Trump? I heard many far-lift, low-IQ people to want Trump to be arrested and put in prison, because, they sy, he is guilty for absolutely everything.

2021-01-09 23:03:02 UTC  

if he does get impeached, that will cause so much uproar and civil unrest from the patriots, it will topple the deep states plans

2021-01-09 23:05:01 UTC  

True. Same if they do manage to assassinate President Trump. The last time the US had a true President in my opinion, not counting Trump, was President JF Kennedy. And President Trump is a true President.

2021-01-09 23:05:44 UTC  

JFK sure was a great president

2021-01-09 23:06:08 UTC  


2021-01-09 23:06:33 UTC  

But he was killed because e wanted to make the golden reserve no longer in private hands, but to make it national again

2021-01-09 23:06:54 UTC  

Runs a lot deeper than that, I am afraid.

2021-01-09 23:07:30 UTC  

i dont know much about the whole JFK thing, but i know it ran real deep

2021-01-09 23:09:31 UTC  

What do you mean? feel free to explain it

2021-01-09 23:13:31 UTC  

I'm not to clued up regarding the full events surrounding JFK. And there is still too much information that is kept classified, and reclassified well beyond the time it would have been declassified.

2021-01-09 23:14:42 UTC  

The message that the deep state sent out by assassinating JFK though was clear. Toe the line, or suffer the same fate. USA never had a true president since then, till President Trump showed up.

2021-01-09 23:23:23 UTC  

🚨 Emergency Message To Trump! Deep State Still Planning 25th Amendment Coup!

πŸ“Ί Watch & Share:

2021-01-09 23:24:34 UTC  

But that would mean that pence would have to agree to that though. And I though he said he would not agree to the 25'th. Unless something changed since then that I missed

2021-01-09 23:30:39 UTC  

Pence is controlled via compromising onformation. He will do everythng.

2021-01-09 23:33:13 UTC  

Well I suggest everyone needs to brace themselves, and stay braced. Bad as things are now, its only going to get a lot worse than we can imagine.

2021-01-09 23:33:19 UTC  

Stay safe.

2021-01-09 23:43:22 UTC  

God save πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

2021-01-10 00:12:10 UTC  

First Extremist in Capitol Building Siege Identified as BLM/Antifa Activist: β€œWe Gotta F***ing Rip Trump Right Outta That Office!”

2021-01-10 00:24:31 UTC  
2021-01-10 00:34:18 UTC  
2021-01-10 00:45:54 UTC  

The Big Tech Crackdown Is Accelerating β€” Follow Infowars On These Growing Alternative Platforms

2021-01-10 01:21:41 UTC

2021-01-10 01:22:20 UTC

2021-01-10 01:22:34 UTC

2021-01-10 04:10:30 UTC

2021-01-10 04:11:00 UTC  

Another big tech crackdown,

2021-01-10 04:11:43 UTC