Mad Goose [Goose/Geese]

Discord ID: 206212592409116672

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It started with YouTube removing infowars, Twitter removing Milo. In 2016 big tech they saw a rise of conservative values and a return to normality. People started getting their heads out of the sand I think, worldwide

Problem with sites like Donald and 4chan is there's a good majority of conservatives who actually are racist and all the things the radical left accuse us of being, and they don't help our case.

Seems legit, tell me does anyone know of any coming iฬถnฬถsฬถuฬถrฬถrฬถeฬถcฬถtฬถiฬถoฬถnฬถsฬถ ฬถ I mean.. Peaceful protests

>Implying Joe Biden is the president
I dunno wat you're talking about, president Camel Harris is going to be sworn in, I think she's just sending Biden to pickup some paperwork on the 20th

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