
Discord ID: 295264749501939714

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thats true, they are a bunch of lily-livered cowards and want to sell our thier country so they can have a job for a few more months. its so despicable.

id expect mass forces immunizations, global tracking chips everything they said they would do, they are rolling out right now, but after that, i believe that an armed revolution will take place, and will closely follow the timeline of the american revolution, a boston massacre happening, a 2nd lexington and concord and so on and so forth. the american people are awakening to what is happening within the world, and many others outside of the US are too. the globalists were doomed from the start, its only a matter of time till they fall

if he does get impeached, that will cause so much uproar and civil unrest from the patriots, it will topple the deep states plans

i would recommend to where regular users cant type in the information, announcement, rules and welcome text channels and i would also recommend disabling the @ everyone feature for regular users so people cant raid this discord

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