Message from @Mitere
Discord ID: 360206508207636480
Most certainly
But remember this
Those hardy men that make nations, that truly break the mold and make something of themselves. The Great men of our world. They're not us. Not yet. It's not out of our reach, but I doubt any of us can claim to be a "Great" person just yet. It all starts with Self Improvement
@Orchid "yeah i personally beliefe in the notion that hardship breeds strength and weeds out the undesirables"
Hard times create hard men.
@Zennex17 That's true, but we see the inspiration of past great men to try and give us motivation towards being the best versions of ourselves we can be. In hopes of that version embodying a new generation of great men/founders. We also accept that even if we can't be those great men, we can help those who can be
@Orchid I'd say above all, the best advice that I can give to you, if you truly are serious about this, and not in a LARP-way. Fully commit yourself. With every essence of yourself and every fiber of your being, commit yourself to your goal, and if you truly do all that you can, not even god will deny you.
@Zul I never said we couldn't be them. I never said we couldn't surpass them. All I said is that we currently aren't them. But striving for that status, that greatness, that ideal. That's the right path
Thank you
also i want to remind you guys that there will be a voice meeting at 9pm, i encourage you guys to participate
What time zone?
eastern, I guess
to clarify its tomorrow
not today
my bad
Yeah that shouldn't be a problem unless something comes up between now and then
I would love to come, and will do my best to make it
Additionally, might I suggest making an additional tab for citizen members when displaying who is online @Orchid
Much appreciated
@Zennex17 Thank you as well friend, I look foreword to future efforts we make together
@Zul The same goes for you. And to the rest of the users, the same!
Hello - Belisarius requested that we join this server. How is everyone doing?
Very good. And how about yourself @Akulakhan ?
G'day 😄
Doing fine, thank you
I'm good, just getting in an evening meal before I turn in. I get to wake up at 5-ish tomorrow morning 😏
I hate waking early, in one sense 😅 I work best during the night
Do you have a night shift job?
I wish
Currently "between jobs" so to speak 😄
I'm trying to get a nightshift one
Nice, nice