Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 363858834122342400
What are brats?
Is that... C-chad Thundercock?
literally best food
im just a sort of lanky guy
simple as fuck
i eat so much fucking protein but i'm still skinny as shit lol
i'm getting a sandbag soon
so i'll start lifting that
im cute right guy?
hey welcome to /sig/, how chad are ya
i jump out das fenster
i can farm poultry
Can we build an Odin statue on the hall of the Ethnostate?
ive been doing it for a while
Goats are a great replacement for cows. They produce a lot of milk and it tastes just like cow milk.
I've had it before.
>i've never had gat
goat milk is way richer than cow
lets grow soy and make soy milk guys!
also i can bake bread n shit
i know how to grind down wheat into flour + turn it into bread
dont say cow
there are various cattle with varying milkfat contents
holsteins are your best bet though