Message from @Rin
Discord ID: 369340049952866304
im curious enough to ask, 50%? 25%?
tell me about your grandpas~
I visited the small, rural towns of ontario and theyre really nice. I wish I could live in a small town where people actually acknowledge you
Im decended from the Portuguese settlers in Sri Lanka and the natives
In what proportions?
when you called yourself a mutt i just assumed 50% black, so i guess im a racist
Im like a 10th black
im a torontofag as well
ehh, my ancestors come from spain
How do u guys survive in Toronto
you only go their for work or school, nothingmore
canadians here?
spain is fine, no purity spiralling on my watch
Im a civic nationalist and I cant even catch a break here
you should do a 23 and me, you've got some white in you and apparently only a little black/mezisto
maybe find something to be proud of
civic nationalism is pretty much a slippery slope into more physical-collective forms of society
Also I got a lot of poo in loo
actually dont do that
I dont think you dont want google to have your dna
the owner of 23 and me has connections to google
if google wants your dna, what are you going to do to stop them
Civnat is the end of the slippery slope of complaining about "purity spiraling"
At best you'll get castizo nationalism
dont participate in their dna testing
Im more ideologically close to the alt right than most civic nationalists are
How absurd, what is racial nationalism about if not purity?
That's not to say literally 100% or bust, but don't use the word purity as part of a pejorative term
IMO 1/16 is the limit of acceptability of admixture, for non black admixture
For black maybe 1/64
1/64th? thats basically one drop