Message from @Fimbulwinter ❄
Discord ID: 369339342994407425
but realistically, yeah, just be smart
install gnu/linux
until that actually happens though, thats just a news story to incense /pol/
>the state of britain
so sad
part and parcel
Im in canada
nice, me too
What city
near toronto
Im non white btw (mixed w white) but I still chill here.
im curious enough to ask, 50%? 25%?
tell me about your grandpas~
I visited the small, rural towns of ontario and theyre really nice. I wish I could live in a small town where people actually acknowledge you
Im decended from the Portuguese settlers in Sri Lanka and the natives
when you called yourself a mutt i just assumed 50% black, so i guess im a racist
Im like a 10th black
im a torontofag as well
ehh, my ancestors come from spain
How do u guys survive in Toronto
you only go their for work or school, nothingmore
canadians here?
spain is fine, no purity spiralling on my watch
Im a civic nationalist and I cant even catch a break here
You're here aren't you? I'd call that a break.^^
you should do a 23 and me, you've got some white in you and apparently only a little black/mezisto
maybe find something to be proud of
civic nationalism is pretty much a slippery slope into more physical-collective forms of society
Also I got a lot of poo in loo
actually dont do that