Message from @Scooter2000

Discord ID: 468649835784830976

2018-07-17 05:20:11 UTC  

must be hard for trad boys in high school

2018-07-17 05:20:38 UTC  

Oh yes, before i was trad i was pro trump for a time and had to keep quiet about even that

2018-07-17 05:20:50 UTC  

I go to school in a liberal oasis

2018-07-17 05:21:29 UTC  

If i want any aquaintences i have to keep my opinions hidden

2018-07-17 05:21:35 UTC  

I only tell them to my friends

2018-07-17 05:21:51 UTC  


2018-07-17 05:21:55 UTC  

This is depressing.

2018-07-17 05:22:10 UTC  

I'm just glad i found trad before i messed up and had sex or something

2018-07-17 05:22:18 UTC  

I've already tried weed

2018-07-17 05:22:26 UTC  

Luckily didn't like it though

2018-07-17 05:22:27 UTC  

do you have an FSSP parish where you normally live?

2018-07-17 05:22:46 UTC  

or would you even know what that means haha?

2018-07-17 05:24:02 UTC  

No lol

2018-07-17 05:24:11 UTC  

no to the latter or the former?

2018-07-17 05:24:23 UTC  

I don't know what you were saying lol

2018-07-17 05:25:14 UTC  

FSSP is the Fraternal Society of Saint Peter it's a fully regular traditionalist priestly order in the Catholic Church if you can I highly recommend you attend one of their parishes it will be so important for your faith formation especially as a traditionalist their parishes tend to be quite young as well

2018-07-17 05:26:14 UTC  

@Scooter2000 are you saying just visit one of their churches or become a priest lol

2018-07-17 05:26:30 UTC  

become a parishioner at one of their parishes

2018-07-17 05:27:07 UTC  

a parish is like the building you go to for mass and all that, it's your local community

2018-07-17 05:27:58 UTC  

@Scooter2000 oh so it's a church essentially

2018-07-17 05:28:05 UTC  

well yeah

2018-07-17 05:28:49 UTC  

@Scooter2000 unfortunately there's not one nearby

2018-07-17 05:28:57 UTC  

check these guys

2018-07-17 05:29:37 UTC  

SSPX is the Society of Saint Pius 10
it's canonically irregular but it is licit and you can be a Catholic in good standing and still an sspx parishioner

2018-07-17 05:31:35 UTC  

@Scooter2000 sorry but what does that mean lol, it's licit

2018-07-17 05:32:07 UTC  

it means you are allowed to be a part of it

2018-07-17 05:32:07 UTC  

And there is one near me but it's not the church i had planned on attending. The one ihad planned on was different but it said it did Latin mass

2018-07-17 05:32:16 UTC  

oh okay

2018-07-17 05:32:19 UTC  

that should be fine then

2018-07-17 05:32:22 UTC  

SSPX are very trad

2018-07-17 05:32:23 UTC  

Which once should i do

2018-07-17 05:32:33 UTC  

I would go with the one you picked

2018-07-17 05:33:46 UTC  

SSPX are great Catholics it's just that they are not an officially santioned preistly order
their founder was excommunicated and so were are all their bishops but their current bishops were reconciled by Benedict 16 and Francis has allowed Catholic to be married in SSPX parishes

2018-07-17 06:38:28 UTC  

```Method of Hearing Mass Well

The Mass says Pere Lacordaire, is an act too sublime and holy for us to occupy ourselves with anything other than what the priest says and does. It is not the time for pious reading or private devotions. These latter separate us from the priest, and keep the mind away from the end and object of the Holy Sacrifice. The mass is more than an ordinary prayer. It is a sacrifice that is to say, a social act accomplished by the priest and representative. The offering is made in the name of themselves with it. Repeatedly during the Mass the priest reminds them of this. At the Orate fratres, he says “Pray to God the Father Almighty”; at the Momento of the Living: “Be mindful of Thy servants, for whom we offer, or who offer this sacrifice to Thee.” Likewise we find in the greater part of the prayers it is the plural and not the singular person which is used. The priest does not in fact say “I pray” or “I beseech,” but “we pray” (Oremus) and “we beseech” (quaesumus, petimus, rogamus).```

2018-07-17 06:38:31 UTC  

```To participate in a real way in the Holy Sacrifice the faithful should not be present simply as spectators, indifferent or distracted, but they should unite their intention with that of the priest who is offering. The simplest and most commendable method, which will be facilitate by the explanations in this Roman Missal, consists in associating oneself with the liturgical rites, prayers and chant of the Mass. The faithful follow in their Missals, at the same time as the priest at the altar is saying, the prayers of the Ordinary of the Mass, and those which are proper to the office of the day. These latter are the Introit, Collects, Epistle, Gospel, Offertory, Secret, Preface, Communion and Postcommunion. These are the ancient liturgical prayers, so beautiful and expressive, and in every way incomparably superior to the modern productions that they must assuredly be preferred to any of them. There is no necessity, however to pay such close attention to one’s book that one would scruple to raise one’s eyes to watch the movements of the celebrant at the altar; the faithful who would so act would create a sort of breach between themselves and the priest who offers the sacrifice in their names; they would be reading their Mass, but not following it.```

2018-07-17 06:40:46 UTC  

```It is much to be desired that all the faithful wherever possible should join in the singing of the chant of the Church, being careful to avoid such faults as are liable to be committed when numbers are singing together, as for instance singing loudly or drawling the melody. The singing of hymns is permitted at Low Masses, but forbidden at High Masses. The Church demands that, when hymns are sung, they should be as much as possible in keeping with the sacrifice and feast of the day. The Church does not approve of the uninterrupted singing of hymns, and forbids any voice to be raised during the most solemn part of the Mass, namely at the consecration.```

2018-07-17 06:40:58 UTC  

Attitude During Mass

At High Mass the faithful remain kneeling during the preparation of the priest at the foot of the altar, during the Creed for the singing of the words “Et Iincarnatus est” during the Canon and the Communion and for the last blessing.
They stand during the singing of the Gospel and for the prayers or Collects. They sit down for the Epistle, the chant and the sermon.
At Low Mass it is proper to remain kneeling throughout the whole of the Mass, except at the two Gospels. To remain seated while the Divine Victim is really present on the altar would be a sign of a badly instructed faith. The altar would be a sign of a badly instructed faith. The Council of Trent recommends us to hear Mass with “a spirit of faith, filial fear, with respect and sincerity of heart.” It condemns by this fact all gossiping, lounging, attitudes, curiosity, distraction, negligence, or unbecoming luxury in dress - in a word, all that can distract the attention, devotion, and respect required from those who are present. Such faults would be inexcusable in a devout Catholic.
On the other hand, what an edifying spectacle it is to see a devout gathering entirely animated with the same faith in the reality of the sacred mysteries that are being performed before their eyes, silent in their befitting manifestation of this faith, making the same inclinations of adoration, their exterior attitude conforming with their interior devotion in union with the whole assembly! ```

2018-07-17 06:47:28 UTC