Message from @Your Long Lost Virginity
Discord ID: 472395045366923275
Well then
Won’t like me much hahaha
fuck yall whiteys the brown race shall conquer all
Brown? So Hispanic?
Ehhh that’s fine then. XD
the fuck do you think im indian
hispanics are fake brown people
and fake white people too for that matter
Indians man
Don’t even have proper toilets
Apu in the loo
Poo in the loo amirite?
das raciss
mfw the UK actually made an educational video teaching Indian immigrants not to shit in the streets because it was a problem in this particular British town
@Your Long Lost Virginity Poo in the loo
Nigga, I can ban you
its a problem in san fran atm actually
nigga i can ban you
and niggas a bad word nigger
Can say nigger but not nigga
Welcome to the server
"XD" is a racial slur i will not allow its use in this server
That one’s new, all you kids and your wacky lingo
Lingo is a racial slur too
It sounds like it means slave in some Caribbean country lol
The word spook is a slur
shit wrong channel
We’ve gone too far
Did you know the term honkey actually was created to insult Hungarian immigrants?
Oh my