Message from @Esdeath Partas Azazel

Discord ID: 472394363964751872

2018-07-27 13:22:43 UTC  

the burger is the greatest invention in mankinds history, it kills us in an enjoyable way

2018-07-27 13:22:52 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:23:13 UTC  

I rarely eat fast food, but I still eat garbage I guess.

2018-07-27 13:23:45 UTC  

ugh im just starting to eat more fast food and i feel filthy

2018-07-27 13:23:59 UTC  

You dirty Degenerate.

2018-07-27 13:24:02 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:24:08 UTC  

im not even a white christian boi

2018-07-27 13:24:13 UTC  

im so sinful

2018-07-27 13:24:26 UTC  

Well then

2018-07-27 13:24:56 UTC  

Won’t like me much hahaha

2018-07-27 13:24:59 UTC

2018-07-27 13:25:12 UTC  

fuck yall whiteys the brown race shall conquer all

2018-07-27 13:25:18 UTC

2018-07-27 13:25:42 UTC  

Brown? So Hispanic?
Ehhh that’s fine then. XD

2018-07-27 13:25:50 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:25:57 UTC  

the fuck do you think im indian

2018-07-27 13:26:03 UTC  

hispanics are fake brown people

2018-07-27 13:26:09 UTC  

and fake white people too for that matter

2018-07-27 13:26:14 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:26:18 UTC  

Indians man

2018-07-27 13:26:33 UTC  

Don’t even have proper toilets

2018-07-27 13:26:34 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:26:41 UTC  

Apu in the loo

2018-07-27 13:26:47 UTC  

Poo in the loo amirite?

2018-07-27 13:27:25 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:28:10 UTC  

das raciss

2018-07-27 13:28:20 UTC  

mfw the UK actually made an educational video teaching Indian immigrants not to shit in the streets because it was a problem in this particular British town

2018-07-27 13:28:53 UTC  
2018-07-27 13:29:15 UTC  

dont talk about me mr elliot rodger knockoff @R E P T I L E

2018-07-27 13:29:28 UTC  

Nigga, I can ban you

2018-07-27 13:29:29 UTC  

its a problem in san fran atm actually

2018-07-27 13:29:36 UTC  

nigga i can ban you

2018-07-27 13:29:41 UTC  

and niggas a bad word nigger

2018-07-27 13:38:22 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:38:33 UTC  

Can say nigger but not nigga

2018-07-27 13:38:35 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:39:08 UTC  

Welcome to the server

2018-07-27 13:40:16 UTC  

"XD" is a racial slur i will not allow its use in this server

2018-07-27 13:40:20 UTC  


2018-07-27 13:40:45 UTC  

That one’s new, all you kids and your wacky lingo

2018-07-27 13:41:17 UTC  

Lingo is a racial slur too