Message from @R E P T I L E
Discord ID: 474376791264591872
hey @Hyde Pod ideology and location?
@Anglo-Indian Imperialist Greetings
whos Rommel
He left <:pepothonk:473325330384289812>
Says he did on my screen. he's not in the server
criticism isnt being an asshat and being cynical just to get attention lol
when youre ready to be civil then well talk
@Vox Greetings
have a look at the rules n shieet please
Sounds good to me
Just need your Ideology, country, and where you found the server link
1) I hate communist scum
2) US
3) Red Storm
Rad bruh
@govenator Ayeee
my dude
US, paleoconservative, found on Red Storm
have a look at dem rules n shieeeet @Victorian
wat do
read the rules <#474680554105602049>
and answer the questions
what questions?
never mind. I got you