Message from @Wildfire
Discord ID: 527904086792732674
well im not gona praise bal or nothing
im catholic and thats that
Even if it was european thing it would be extremly gay
yes you are the first person to change my mind
Just read <#523064741950652416>
if you turn against your people you are just destroying your future
@aloys same. beginning to turn to my ancestral religion tho. see ya BROTHA
Btw I was going to read t long time ago but forgot to save pdf 😂
like think about the fact that everyone is christian rn
Christianity is gay
Says the gay
Yes everyone is Christian now
we need to keep it together or else we will cause division and weakness
>making Hitler god
within the west and christendom as a whole
Esoteric shitlerism is kinda gay
Hey! Stop bullying me!
Imagine thinking hitler is god
@Carpathid i just think we need to keep the church strong
The only good religion is Esoteric Homofascism
Church is the enmy
cuz thats the best way to keep tribes together
and safe
Jews are the enemy
Read <#523064741950652416> niggers
church is identity
Chris has is after them