Message from @The AUNI
Discord ID: 528746368483852298
imma get that book real quick
<:boomer:523178651701870623> did someone say make America Mexico so I can get Mexican ass
It’s boomer moment
bruh moment
mexicans have aids
Bruh moment
we livei n society
I think it’s time to get Mexican ass
Boomer moment
Ideology matters
Skin color doesn’t
Get rekt and owned
By logix and fax
get rekt u fellow whites
apparently she wrote some books
True, it's up to us to redpill the darkies
Make america mexican again
Only one left in stock !!!!!
Make the world Heathen again
I better hurry
make turkey greek again
There is big copy pasta about mexican reconquista of US on noctulian worldview
make greek turkey again
Post it
<:drumpftard:523178652129558537> haha guys guys, why are you so centered around race and stuff? Hail trump haha hail MAGA, fug : D
Nah find it yourself its hella long
It has its own channel
post fashwave