Message from @Dragontackle
Discord ID: 803316723209207849
73 million trades
how bout I don't even play it once?
no you have to play it once
it's going down
oh god
Just hold
I made $100 on GME already, so we’re holding onto that bag tightly.😎
@Dragontackle stop
liking Asian women on the tl
Yall still hodl gme?
Yeah just listen to shawn he makes everyone rich but no one gives him a cut
I've given Shawn a cut multiple times
I just have to leave myself enough to pay my bills
Give the king his cut
Bruh, the nigger took a shit.
took a shit before I showered
Is GME still headed to hit high?
Trust shawny I guess
I'm trusting
@Hydrateps @Lying2women @Dragontackle My professor teac hing me roman history takes a course which is called 'The Jewish background to Christianity'
uhhh based?
Wait until Friday
Duh, it's in the name, JUDEO-christianism
We love Israel
So what like the Old Testament?
Or like Jews getting owned by Romans
Yes they ate
Jewish Origins of Christianity course by Dr. David Duke
So basically supersessionism but gay?
@Dragontackle he didnt deny the holocaust but he did question the numbers of it