Message from @Hydrateps
Discord ID: 803303736008114226
Very few based individuals out there
Gme is 140 btw
850 y'all said?
Shawn was right
Went to 150 now 132
Fucking wild
73 million trades
how bout I don't even play it once?
no you have to play it once
it's going down
oh god
Just hold
I made $100 on GME already, so we’re holding onto that bag tightly.😎
@Dragontackle stop
Yall still hodl gme?
Yeah just listen to shawn he makes everyone rich but no one gives him a cut
I miss out on all the meme stocks
I've given Shawn a cut multiple times
I just have to leave myself enough to pay my bills
Give the king his cut
Bruh, the nigger took a shit.
took a shit before I showered
Is GME still headed to hit high?
Trust shawny I guess
I'm trusting
@Hydrateps @Lying2women @Dragontackle My professor teac hing me roman history takes a course which is called 'The Jewish background to Christianity'
uhhh based?
Wait until Friday
Duh, it's in the name, JUDEO-christianism
We love Israel
So what like the Old Testament?
Or like Jews getting owned by Romans