Message from @imig

Discord ID: 646160331114283023

2019-11-18 09:27:53 UTC  

Day Two: Monday

2019-11-18 12:26:23 UTC  

Genesis 1:6-8 KJV

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

2019-11-18 12:26:24 UTC  

2019-11-18 14:16:01 UTC  


2019-11-18 14:16:03 UTC  

2019-11-18 14:39:30 UTC  
2019-11-18 19:50:54 UTC  
2019-11-18 20:14:17 UTC  

One more. 🙂 encouraging in these days.

2019-11-18 20:17:01 UTC  


2019-11-18 20:17:02 UTC  

2019-11-18 21:25:53 UTC  

@Shadetree49 Yes I think some books outside the Bible, definitely not all, but some like Enoch, Macabees, just to name a couple are probably reliable, some are interesting like book of Adam and Eve, but is it truth? I don't know. But ones that clearly go against what the 4 gospels teach us and clearly go against who Jesus is and why he was here, I won't even bother with considering. The main point though of my original message is I believe God's hand was in the preserving his correct word, and the fact church shows up 77 times, and Jesus Christ 12 times might very well be his fingerprints.

2019-11-18 22:10:39 UTC  

@Kel anon Yeah, I'm not a numbers guy. Most of the cypher stuff out there goes over my head. I do know that God can be understood in numerology but I just rely on the love letter he has left us in the Bible. I'm more impressed with the musicality of the scriptures in the KJV. Many songs come flowing through the word that the other translation don't lend themselves to.

2019-11-18 22:13:04 UTC  

Have any of you seen the Glenn Beck documentary "The Democrats' Hydra"? It is well worth watching and sharing

2019-11-18 22:24:38 UTC  

I want add to prayer list. A man I have been taking to Dr for awhile because the Drs found Melenoma in 3 places on his skin now has spot on liver. So please pray that David is healed.

2019-11-19 00:05:10 UTC  

@Shadetree49 Yes is does have a poetic flow to it. Well as far as the numbers, it is both simple and deep meaning. Pay attention when reading how often the number 7 is used in scripture just for one example, 7 means like perfection. The enemy also uses numbers in their stuff, as usual Satan likes to try and copy what God does.

2019-11-19 00:39:42 UTC  

@Kel anon rather sure that they are invalid. Enoch is ancient but was probably forged. Maccabees contradicts itself and seems written to empower them. Like Sunday it's really the eighth day of the week. Pagan belief we are always superior. So 9 candles not 7. Our Feast Day is superior here take gifts.

2019-11-19 01:02:42 UTC  

@Archangel it's always confused me. God divided the waters from the waters. And the firmenint is HEAVEN?? Do you get that???

2019-11-19 01:03:48 UTC  

@Archangel is there then waters above heaven???

2019-11-19 01:08:24 UTC  

@BibleBot I dont like that version. Asking God to help keep you from temptation.

2019-11-19 01:30:28 UTC  

"on earth as it is in heaven"
"as above so below"

2019-11-19 02:18:01 UTC  


2019-11-19 02:37:53 UTC  

In the English language, only the Geneva Bible and the King James are relevant. My opinion. Anything before the Geneva was mistranslated, and anything after King James is brainwashing.

2019-11-19 02:39:19 UTC  

@pages Yes, I get it. Think of a bubble of air created in endless waters that rises toward the surface.

2019-11-19 02:46:34 UTC  

Can you create a bubble of air out of endless waters? I think God probably can.

2019-11-19 02:51:14 UTC  

Yuja Wang plays Brahms.

2019-11-19 02:53:30 UTC  

Here comes the fast movement.

2019-11-19 02:54:15 UTC  

This music was here millions of years before we wer.

2019-11-19 02:54:18 UTC  


2019-11-19 03:38:34 UTC  

@Kel anon To those who are tuned in to numbers they are powerful. I understand numbers are meaningful and understand the conventions determining their meaning. I'm just not comfortable in those waters. You may have heard that there's a difference between the geometry and algebraic brain. I think there's enough ways to understand Gods Word that we don't all have to think the same way.

2019-11-19 03:43:55 UTC  

@everyone - Communication gets confusing at times. We all understand in our own minds what we are trying to tell others. Complete sentences will help clear away the cobwebs.

2019-11-19 08:19:00 UTC  


2019-11-19 08:19:01 UTC  

2019-11-19 14:20:00 UTC  


2019-11-19 14:20:01 UTC  

2019-11-19 14:29:20 UTC

2019-11-19 15:27:05 UTC
💥💥💥Worshipping Warfare 💥💥💥BQQM💥💥💥

2019-11-19 16:40:21 UTC

2019-11-19 17:08:17 UTC  

Ecclesiastes 8:11-17

2019-11-19 17:08:18 UTC  

2019-11-19 20:21:00 UTC  
