Message from @Citizen Z

Discord ID: 646813976415436831

2019-11-19 01:16:15 UTC  

As they table above explains, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.
But here’s the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head–it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice.

2019-11-19 05:04:36 UTC  

@Say I'm not sure exactly but from what I've looked at it looks like some diseases were virtually eliminated before its vaccine.

Not sure on what the truth is really.

It makes sense that water sanitization and indoor plumbing could have reduced diseases though. I don't really see that being debated.

2019-11-19 10:11:15 UTC  

I personally believe that vaccines dont cause autism

2019-11-19 12:32:46 UTC

2019-11-19 23:05:37 UTC  
2019-11-20 12:04:30 UTC  

@Wretch I would put a picture of our shrine for Cai but I don’t have the right to post pictures because of my role so even if I wanted to give evidence I can’t

2019-11-20 12:16:18 UTC  

You can post sources still

2019-11-20 12:30:06 UTC  

he is a fking troll no need to respond to this idiot. @Abe Lover

2019-11-20 12:30:34 UTC  

he will have zero evidence to back up his BELIEFS

2019-11-20 12:31:24 UTC  

I’m already autistic so I’m gonna go get vaccinated

2019-11-20 12:32:33 UTC  

!mute @Jimbo007

2019-11-20 12:32:33 UTC  

2019-11-20 15:14:05 UTC  

Y'all need a Wretch vaccine. All I see is him killing people in this chat.

2019-11-20 19:00:25 UTC  


2019-11-20 19:04:55 UTC  

people often make stupid arguments

2019-11-20 19:05:09 UTC  

ethos and pathos without logos

2019-11-20 19:31:21 UTC  

Hey everyone, **The HighWire with Del Bigtree** just posted a video! Go check it out!

2019-11-20 20:47:49 UTC  

@indio007 wretch destroys them

2019-11-20 20:47:53 UTC  


2019-11-21 03:11:39 UTC  

i just gotta ask, if vaccines are so toxic, why doesnt it effect everyone who gets them?

2019-11-21 03:40:30 UTC  

(ping me if u reply)

2019-11-21 07:00:09 UTC  

@Slash it does effect everyone but differently. alcohol for example is toxic but people react to it differently

2019-11-21 07:04:20 UTC  

@Slash its dumb to assume that a perfectly healthy kid with good genes and was taken good care off in nutrition, breastfed from a healthy mom, and not being exposed to other envinormental toxins would react the same way to a baby from heavy smoking parents that was soy formula during infancy

2019-11-21 12:27:51 UTC  

I guess i can see that, i also want to ask another thing, if autism comes from vaccines, why can we predict autism by gene-screening?
I guess for this we just have to wait for the tech to get better so everyone can be gene-screened?

2019-11-21 12:57:29 UTC  

they are not screening what you think they are that is why!! it is mercury poisoning and they are probably testing for that tbh

2019-11-21 12:57:34 UTC  
2019-11-21 12:57:48 UTC

2019-11-21 12:58:14 UTC  

mercury poisoning affects the same processes that autistic ppl experience from the mercury damage

2019-11-21 13:02:13 UTC  

the oldest person to be diagnosed with autism was born in 1931 the same year they started putting thimerosal in vaccines

2019-11-21 13:08:13 UTC  

No I don't meet gene screen the children, I mean the adults. If vaccines cause autism, there should be no corrilation between parents who carry "autistic gene" and who is born autistic

2019-11-21 13:10:12 UTC  

Also I'm sure your going to hate this, but science has gotten to the point where they are starting to change the genes that go into children, so they can tell how high you are going to grow, if you will have cancer or any other gene carried disorder or problem ect. And then they can take the bad genes out.

2019-11-21 14:45:19 UTC  

@Slash that's a total over-simplification of human biology.
#1 it doesn't have to be one gene. It can more than one. Also, it doesn't have to be a gene at all
#2 It could be non-coding DNA which controls gene expression making infinite more complications in isolation of some "gene". non-coding DNA is over 80% of all DNA
#3 Could be a combination of exposures. Say vaccination and eating nitrates the day before.

It could make this list a mile long but you get the point.

2019-11-21 15:11:58 UTC  

Yeah I just kept it simple because I find that a lot of people get mad at me when I explain things too complex because apparently something being complex makes it false or something :T

2019-11-21 15:14:13 UTC  

While some genetic disorders are a change in one letter, many require many different letter changes

2019-11-21 15:28:13 UTC  
2019-11-21 15:28:49 UTC  

Mercury (which isn’t even in vaccines) can’t damage enough genes to make enough of a difference to a point where the vaccinated person is autistic.

2019-11-21 15:30:21 UTC  

Also if you’re saying that you’d rather the child dies of measles than is autistic, that shows just how dense you are. I mean obvs you have to be very dense to believe they cause autism in the first place, but even more so to say that a life with autism is worse than it ending at the ripe old age of 2.