Message from @ᴘᴏᴘᴘʏ☬
Discord ID: 646495192995856384
pls rich
pls rob sav 🧸
You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.
dislike money drama smosh
pls dep all
**165** coins deposited
pls bal
pls rich
<:green:573151850136600596> **`SUPER RARE EVENT ENCOUNTERED`**
**Prestige Quiz**
*The first person to type the correct answer wins a prize!
What prestige level does this badge represent?*
pls sav 🧸
pls rob sav 🧸
You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.
pls with 500
500 coins withdrawn.
**Tip**: Donors get some sweet currency perks, be sure to check them out to support development! <>
This user has already been stolen from within the last 5 minutes, give it a rest
pls rich
pls rob sav 🧸
You were caught **HAHAHA**
You paid the person you stole from **500** coins.
b r u h
pls work
You don't currently have a job to work at. You can use `pls work list` to see a list of the available jobs
pls work list
**Tip**: Yikers, running low on meme coins? You can get a sweet sweet injection here: <>
pls fast food cook
pls dep all
**48** coins deposited
pls bal
pls work
**Work for YouTuber** - Scramble - The following word is scrambed, you need to try and unscramble it to reveal the original word;