Message from @Pika

Discord ID: 641590288615473162

2019-11-06 09:26:43 UTC  

Are you 12?

2019-11-06 09:26:52 UTC  

Grow up

2019-11-06 09:47:09 UTC  

mornin' everyone!

2019-11-06 09:49:52 UTC  

morning jondar

2019-11-06 09:51:34 UTC  
2019-11-06 09:53:16 UTC  

doing alright. yourself?

2019-11-06 09:53:36 UTC  

I'm doing fine as well, thank you

2019-11-06 09:53:42 UTC  


2019-11-06 10:44:38 UTC  
2019-11-06 10:44:48 UTC  

Getting more exposure!

2019-11-06 10:47:25 UTC  

Heyo ppl

2019-11-06 10:48:43 UTC  

Hello 👋

2019-11-06 10:49:15 UTC  

why is crowder lookin like trump. cheeto man

2019-11-06 10:50:34 UTC  

@The Gwench good morning

2019-11-06 10:50:40 UTC  

How’s it going @The Gwench

2019-11-06 10:50:40 UTC  

hi pika

2019-11-06 10:50:42 UTC  
2019-11-06 10:50:44 UTC  

Hi attack

2019-11-06 10:50:47 UTC  

Antifa has medics

2019-11-06 10:50:51 UTC  

hi abe

2019-11-06 10:50:55 UTC  

But don't worry they aren't violent ;)

2019-11-06 10:50:57 UTC  

has antifa ever killed anyone?

2019-11-06 10:51:06 UTC  

has the alt right ever killed anyone? yes

2019-11-06 10:51:07 UTC  


2019-11-06 10:51:17 UTC  

Besides charolettesville I don't think so

2019-11-06 10:54:37 UTC

2019-11-06 10:54:45 UTC  

They don't use direct violence ok

2019-11-06 10:55:03 UTC  

oh yes they do

2019-11-06 10:55:46 UTC  

0 total death. antifa is peaceful theres always gonna be a violent minority in antifa why smear it with that small violent group?

2019-11-06 10:55:57 UTC  

thats a lie

2019-11-06 10:56:05 UTC  

If they don't do violence why do they need medics XD

2019-11-06 10:56:17 UTC  

From the soy boy police officers?

2019-11-06 10:56:58 UTC  

@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids @The Gwench
Did you see them interview the CEO of ABC?

2019-11-06 10:57:13 UTC  

are you alt right because only they use that insult

2019-11-06 10:57:35 UTC  

I'm not alt right, I know the alt right has a violent group also.

2019-11-06 10:57:45 UTC  

lain if youre here to propagandise for antifa, youre about to not be

2019-11-06 10:57:54 UTC  

MSM always says alt right is violent but are quiet when it comes to antifa

2019-11-06 10:59:06 UTC  

i dont listen to msm its all state propaganda