Message from @Logrian

Discord ID: 647234426991804416

2019-11-22 00:31:43 UTC  

I'm doing fine

2019-11-22 00:31:48 UTC  

You should be resting

2019-11-22 00:31:56 UTC  

Nah I’m fine for now

2019-11-22 00:32:06 UTC  

hey i'm ok

2019-11-22 00:32:09 UTC  

I'd say so if you're on the internet

2019-11-22 00:32:23 UTC  

Flat earth theory? What's got you interested into it? <@442858896822894593>

2019-11-22 00:32:39 UTC  

theory ?

2019-11-22 00:33:00 UTC  

!mute <@442858896822894593>

2019-11-22 00:33:00 UTC  

2019-11-22 00:33:03 UTC  

Mason u flat or globe

2019-11-22 00:33:17 UTC  

I'm on the fence about the earth's shape

2019-11-22 00:34:00 UTC  

It wouldn't surprise me if we've been lied to that it is a flat plane, but I also wouldn't say I'd be surprised if it were still a globe as I've been led to believe

2019-11-22 00:34:18 UTC  

How about yourself PIka?

2019-11-22 00:34:25 UTC  

You've been here awhile

2019-11-22 00:35:47 UTC  

Ya I have and since I came here I still believe it’s a globe not flat 😋

2019-11-22 00:36:27 UTC  

Youre just dense 😄

2019-11-22 00:36:36 UTC  

Why's that?

2019-11-22 00:36:51 UTC  

Nothing said here makes you question it in the slightest?

2019-11-22 00:36:54 UTC  

Wow rude leave meh alone

2019-11-22 00:37:41 UTC  

And nah I’ve thought about it and taken it into account w my belief and I just have stuck to a globe

2019-11-22 00:38:32 UTC  

Not wude

2019-11-22 00:38:39 UTC  

Would you agree that certain things we see as official that support the globe model are at least questionable? Like the pictures of earth and all of that stuff

2019-11-22 00:38:41 UTC  


2019-11-22 00:38:43 UTC  

You lil limpet mine 😄

2019-11-22 00:39:34 UTC  

Me personally to make me believe it’s rlly flat is for me to see it myself by going out into space otherwise it’s technically just words and theory’s to me

2019-11-22 00:39:49 UTC  

Not that it's flat

2019-11-22 00:39:54 UTC  

You misunderstood

2019-11-22 00:40:12 UTC  

Yes I did I’m brain dead rn w my coughing lol

2019-11-22 00:40:25 UTC  

Theres more than enough evidence, an experiments, proving a motionless plane

2019-11-22 00:40:53 UTC  

I'm asking if any of the evidence presented thus far has made you questioned anything about the Earth? A lot of the photos portrayed by NASA and other space agencies for example don't line up with each other

2019-11-22 00:40:57 UTC  

Even the livestreams don't

2019-11-22 00:41:52 UTC  

Pika too busy looking at shopping magazines 😄

2019-11-22 00:41:59 UTC  

Ewww no

2019-11-22 00:42:05 UTC  


2019-11-22 00:42:18 UTC  

I see

2019-11-22 00:42:34 UTC  

discord sucks

2019-11-22 00:43:16 UTC  

I don’t watch their live-streams and at the end I’m so not in cla caring mind to care if they lie or not I trust my own mind rn but ya it’s contradicting the facts of flat pic to the globe at the same height but who knows rlly unless u go out there

2019-11-22 00:43:54 UTC  

If that's your mindset I understand

2019-11-22 00:44:07 UTC  

Flat pics are different and don't correspond with one another

2019-11-22 00:44:08 UTC  

I disagree with seeing it that way but to each their own I suppose

2019-11-22 00:44:17 UTC  

But when globes do it 😱