Message from @GamerX the $UICIDEBOY

Discord ID: 639158656574816266

2019-10-01 09:09:12 UTC  

Angels aren't exactly human and it would seem that they have greater Powers than humans. Also something happened to saints that causes us to Revere them. So why is it that only those angels and Saints who are specific 2 our culture may only be considered as legitimate?

2019-10-02 07:52:34 UTC  

here's some aramaic liturgy and some sanskrit liturgy

2019-10-02 07:54:50 UTC  

he pronounces "shanti" like "sancti" and i think the effect of each word is similar. I didn't spend any time picking out these videos, they seem to be just regular clergy.

2019-10-02 07:55:27 UTC  

how cool is that?

2019-10-02 07:57:53 UTC  

How about that sanskrit liturgical intonation though? There's something about it. It reminds me of Latin liturgical intonation. let's see if there is any similarity.
sanskrit liturgy:

2019-10-02 08:04:28 UTC  

ok, i'm trying to find some ancient latin chanting, and I'm coming up short. the oldest I can find is Notker the Stammerer and that's something like the year 900. the recordings i'm finding all have a lot of reverb or they're low volume.

2019-10-02 08:06:15 UTC  

i kind of give up, the white people music does have a lot more reverb and way more notes in the scales.

2019-10-02 08:13:40 UTC  

but Latin does strike me as a Language that was hugely popular, but kind of went the way of Myspace

2019-10-04 16:18:50 UTC

2019-10-13 14:05:17 UTC  
2019-10-24 22:51:52 UTC  

what is this chat

2019-10-25 06:22:43 UTC  

It's the Doctorin' section and for some spooky reason if you say anything relating to it, Sar will appear and challenge you.

2019-10-25 06:23:22 UTC  

So your Doctorin' better be water tight

2019-10-25 15:12:48 UTC  


2019-10-25 15:14:28 UTC

2019-10-25 15:27:58 UTC  


2019-10-30 17:48:18 UTC  

@Mr. Badger if u dunno what a doctrine is then google it

2019-10-30 17:48:58 UTC  

Whydo you think I don't know what a doctrine is?

2019-10-30 17:50:10 UTC  

tagged the wrong person? @GamerX the $UICIDEBOY

2019-10-30 18:20:20 UTC  

@Mr. Badger nay cuz u asked "what is this chat"

2019-10-30 18:38:35 UTC  

yeah cos idk what saint sars abbey is

2019-10-30 18:38:51 UTC  
2019-10-30 18:39:28 UTC  

what does that name, what ever it's from, have to do with doctrine?

2019-10-30 18:40:23 UTC  

well by the way you asked the question I assumed you were asking what a doctrine is

2019-10-30 18:53:45 UTC  

Didnt even know it had anything to do with doctrine

2019-10-30 19:14:06 UTC  

@Mr. Badger Basically they created a separate room to quarantine me, called "#doctrine", and when people actually went to it they got angry and renamed it <#467164315598979072> so nobody would come here

2019-10-30 19:16:34 UTC  

The mods don't want you proclaiming the truth and scaring away the atheist JLP fans

2019-10-30 19:18:20 UTC  

You can see they're so ornery they yell it you for coming here and for daring to ask what the heck <#467164315598979072> is

2019-10-30 19:21:58 UTC  

Fair does

2019-10-30 19:22:52 UTC  

I wish you well, stranger

2019-10-30 19:40:19 UTC  


2019-10-30 19:40:57 UTC  

Congrats on being a saint I suppose

2019-10-30 23:41:07 UTC  


2019-11-01 00:22:44 UTC  

I told you he would appear

2019-11-01 07:32:51 UTC  

Jesus is awesome. Most so called Christians can get tiresome though. The fashion is to be in effect agnostic, while going through the ritual motions, repeating key phrases and pass codes, virtue signaling, public self flagellation etc. To the fake Christians, knowledge or thinking is 'satanic',( living in fear of the devil rather than the fear of God,) since the opposite of agnostic is the evil and dreaded gnostic. Christianity turns Satanic when it pushes ignorance, hates other religions, etc. Jesus never pushed ignorance he pushed waking up. Fixating on the flesh body of Christ is missing the point which is his perspective. We're fortunate to have access to spiritual teachings, it would be amazin if more people were interested in a balance of spirit and flesh rather than virtue signaling and social climbing.

2019-11-01 11:50:42 UTC  


2019-11-07 20:07:32 UTC  

doubt all thoughts