Message from @Signals Intel Agent
Discord ID: 639706149397987338
south west belongs to latin americans, lets be honest
@Signals Intel Agent rich people move out of poor areas with gangs
no they move out of black areas
gangs or no gangs
its not just rich or poor, its ethnicity too man
i prefer poor Asians
whites just don't want their kids adopting black culture
Relations between them are only antagonistic if racism is present
so as long as black culture has negetive aspects whites won't want to have thier kids deal with it
call that racism or whatever
black culture doesn't have to exist in its current form
it's still a fact
@Fidel Castro Theyre only antagonistic when they share the same space
read this please
the fact is that it does exist in its current form
yes but it can be amended without creating an ethnistate
how can you change a culture
how is it an extreme
they shouldn't have to change their culture
because whites aren't comfortable
they should have the right to self determination
if they want to make fun of learning when a black does it
and get accused of acting white
that's their decision
any black separatist movement would just be crushed by the rich whites
rich whites should support it
i support it 110%
because they wouldn't want their territory annexed
there are areas where blacks are the majoirty already and it's their territory
but yah i get it
if they collect rent from the blacks or w/e
the white bourgeoisie would not let their territory and cities slip away