Message from @witherfinger

Discord ID: 642101747581583410

just an idea

2019-11-07 19:12:59 UTC  

that would be an epic win, although Lammy's in a safe seat I think?

I dunno tottenham is kinda a dump

```In the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union, the constituency voted remain by 76.2%```

Face it, the only solution to London is to Nuke it

Microwave the Tumour

2019-11-07 20:16:16 UTC  

Are capitalism and the news kinda.. incompatible? I mean, if you have a profit motive is it inevitable that the organization will place its bottom line ahead of reporting what is true?

because if you cater to only half the audience you half your subscribers

Capitalism would write a newspaper that was 100% factual

and you make your own mind up

cus everyone could buy it, if they wanted to

and news is disposable

so everyone will be back tomorrow

2019-11-07 20:43:06 UTC  

Can a news organization like that compete with fake news outlets though?

IF you had devine truth yes

cus who'd spend have the time calling out your competitors

which is pretty sweet

if your publication is targeted it cannot be truly Capitalist

you can make money being the Left wing Guardian

but you are leaving so much money on the table

it's insane

but it's product and people don't read to be informed, they read to be entertained

I don't think my Grandma ever said it

but some Grandmas call the Newspaper

"their Stories"

but Capitalism has no regard for catering to individual stories

it's one size fits all, happy meal

and best way to get return customers is to just print the damned news

2019-11-07 22:49:48 UTC  

BBC Question Time from Glasgow tonight... it already looks pish

2019-11-07 22:54:00 UTC  

...consolation prize, I'd bang the Tory on the panel