Message from @Neoteny+AfricanFemales=;D
Discord ID: 442421642698817558
NZ has the best farmer women
New Zealand = Hapa Nationalism
Thoughts on The Warski Live return?
Hope he gets slapped on camera this time
Context matters
And I have none
Labor force partcipation rate
Shhh... be silent...
How was warski live btw
i dont know
Circle jerkin' gossip for like 2 hours then the old/new co-host Chris started talkin shit on the Ethnostate and warski went full Spencer
Can't undo a redpill bois
I only fuck IDF bitches
lanius stop acting like blaze and breadpill
tfw no gf this and tfw no gf that
even as a meme its cringy as fuck'
Makin fun on sjw's is a real fresh topic rn on YouTube. Keep up with the times
tfw no bob gf
Bob tfws about having a boyfriend
tfw no bf
tfw no bf