Message from @OddTrickStar
Discord ID: 593946190979268619
<@348922783696289793> Sup
Welcome to, <@!593926016561577985>!
Give me a Fuckin Break
This is getting fucking Ridiculous
“We cannot predict the first time it will be used” from Sara’s twitter article
I can predict it.
Welcome to, @eleanor rigby!
reddit is a goddamn mess today
how many people have joined this server because of the shutdown?
i mean..... yeah
Welcome to, @Deleted User!
I’m still fairly new to reddit, at least on the politics end.
What a cesspool. It’s an amazing level of ignorance.
All these constant lies, distortions and fabrications have taken a serious toll on people.
Welcome to, <@!487550252518211585>!
<@487550252518211585> Sup
Welcome to, @Stone!
@Stone Hello!
Hey everyone!
Welcome to, <@!467090302042374165>!
Welcome to, <@!459921008216899585>!
Welcome to, <@!593966976901054485>!
Welcome to, @Mag·nif·i·cent!
Did they remove The_Donald?
I can’t find it on my app.
I’m a bot developer for discord as well. Let me know if you guys need any help with the bot or setting up the server here. Apparently they really are going all out across all platforms to try to undermine the president coming into the 2020 elections.
@Mag·nif·i·cent hey
It’s time to drop Reddit and Facebook and google and twitter and YouTube. I’m getting sick of it—Them all acting together as one is going to become the end of freedom. They’re overstepping far too much. It’s time proper action is taken to split these companies up if they begin to decide what’s right or wrong is simply based on their political views.
Tried to view TD in the browser on mobile too. When you tap continue it does nothing. But if you tap no thanks it goes back.
@Mag·nif·i·cent Its quarantined
Being quarantined means a few things:
The sub cannot be searched for on Reddit
The sub won't be found anywhere on r/all or the front page
You have to be logged in with a valid account in order to view it
You have to opt into viewing their content
I'm sure there are other things, but those are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.
It gives me no option to see the content though. When I go there it just says it’s quarantined.