Message from @Mag·nif·i·cent
Discord ID: 595769419150655489
Omg that shit about the shoes is ridiculous.
At what point are these people’s butthurt interpretation of innocuous things their own problem?
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!595753431965237248>!
Welcome 😃
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!563757715630063652>!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!595754185731997747>!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @Åñgęłfÿrę (T1-LUXXE)!
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @WhiteSharkTooth!
hello all!
Hi! Thanks for the invite!
<@&562482309765529640> ppl, if you are tagged as a reddit refugee and are not, let me or someone know we will fix it.
Hi maga chat
I think it's funny Trump gets 120k requests for a 20k rally, dems can't get more than a few at best, but they are ahead in the "polls" lol.
Just got banned from /r/ I'm a refugee from there
@cons_nc Its a badge of honor
I’m a refugee from multiple subs on my main due to my affiliation with TD. I got auto banned just for being a sub.
Which I think is complete bullshit.
We accept all refugees that refuse to bow to PC servitude
Btw did you guys see that u/gallowboob got promoted to mod of r/watchredditdie?
We live in a clown world.
He is such a douche
hey! thx for coming over
Welcome 😃
@EsotericAmerica Great Video
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @StormyTheDeadRabbit!
hello all