Message from @BaRbArIaN
Discord ID: 622494664829829131
Hi, all! MAGA
look around, ask questions etc.
Imagine donating to yang for him to just give it away to some schmucks illegally
Much love to all the people who have had friends and even family attack or not speak to them anymore over a political disagreement.
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!407703333424332802>!
<@407703333424332802> Did you you used to mod TD on reddit?
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @Eric Matheny!
toggle the upper left icon
and we have a dm
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @BaRbArIaN!
Discord booted me, could be a purge, back up anything here, IDs, etc.
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, <@!127126615544037376>!
look around, ask questions, etc.
@BaRbArIaN every time I post to reddit , i get amessage saying I don't meet the min requirements and it will be reviewed by the moderators. Well when do u review?
I was a mod on NRN untill I got booted by reddit cause they said I doxed some idiot and I got back in and can't post shit. what a waste
It's hard to get karma with a new acct.
Theres probably a karma donation Reddit somewhere
There is a free karma sub i forget what it's called
@Xification r/freekarma4u
Oh wow it does exist
Can't say im surprised, but I'm surprised
in this area, there are a lot of redditors and gamers