Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 557363096117837825

2019-03-18 23:57:07 UTC  


2019-03-19 00:00:25 UTC  

13% does 52%

2019-03-19 00:04:42 UTC  

March should be “Thank white people for freeing your slave ass” month

2019-03-19 00:06:45 UTC  


2019-03-19 00:06:46 UTC  


2019-03-19 00:06:50 UTC  


2019-03-19 00:07:06 UTC  

If we're going that route we might aswell go all in

2019-03-19 00:07:10 UTC  

A clean slate

2019-03-19 00:17:25 UTC  

Europe and her conquered lands for the Indo-Europian. Middle East for the Semites.

2019-03-19 00:27:13 UTC  

Nah, i'm okay with America being multi-racial.

Mono cultural, sure.

2019-03-19 00:27:33 UTC  

It DOES work, if you're not in the inner city.

2019-03-19 00:28:11 UTC  

I like this experiment we've got going on

2019-03-19 00:28:25 UTC  

i think it's gonna be very hard for people of different races to all have the same culture

2019-03-19 00:28:51 UTC  

Come to America then, in the rural areas and the military

2019-03-19 00:37:39 UTC  

Sure, come to our gutted, decrepit cities that are rotten and infested. Come see our artistically bankrupt, soulless architect that inspires no one. Come see the diversity and unity in our segregated sections.

2019-03-19 00:38:55 UTC  

Yeah, I was referring to the other 75% that isn't that

2019-03-19 00:39:52 UTC  

You ever seen a black guy in a cowboy hat and a pressed shirt line dance? lol

2019-03-19 00:40:03 UTC  

unless you mindwipe everyone you will get different cultures popping up depending on geography and population

2019-03-19 00:41:08 UTC  


2019-03-19 00:41:57 UTC  

even ants change if you put them in a different location over time

2019-03-19 00:43:25 UTC  

I’ve lived in the rural area, I’ve lived in the urban areas. Atlanta, Chicago, Birmingham, Austin, Dallas, Columbus Oh and Ga, Macon, Tallahassee, Gary, Cleveland, and countless counties unincorporated towns. It makes no difference as human nature never changes.

2019-03-19 00:44:12 UTC  

Tribalism is universal and diversity divides

2019-03-19 00:47:07 UTC  

humans are biological wired to form small tribes as that have been the norm for most of history

2019-03-19 00:48:27 UTC  

we have a limit at around 150 people that we will "care" about

2019-03-19 00:58:41 UTC  

I have not been to Florida yet nor Alaska. Outside of that I have seen every state I think. No idea what Armata is on about sounds to me like you've never been out of LA.......

2019-03-19 01:06:25 UTC  

Only time I’ve been to California was a short time in the desert close to Las Vegas. Worst place I’ve been was Harvey, just south of Chicago, most friendly would be Waco. Tribalism is universal. As arule, most people live with their own and don’t generally mix more than necessary. There are obvious exceptions but the ratio is still there.

2019-03-19 01:14:44 UTC  

Who is "your own"? I mean I prefer the Midwest. Southeasterners are maybe second favorite or Southerners depending. These are also, overall, the least what did you call it? " gutted, decrepit cities that are rotten and infested" and less segregated than the coastals. Even they at least are American (or at least occasionally try to be) so preferable to the rest of the planet. I mean the most homogenous place in the US is Vermont. You know where they elect open communists to the Senate......

2019-03-19 01:15:41 UTC  

It's disgusting they're practically *European.*

2019-03-19 01:22:25 UTC  

The best architecturally beautiful city, in my opinion, was Richmond due to the prevalence of monuments and beautiful buildings that are no longer being built. Modern building are but soulless towers made of glass that do what, reflect the human in all our weakness and mortality? Where are the majestic columns and heroic statues that speak of the immortal spirit? White flight, gentrification, different names for the same human nature.

2019-03-19 01:25:16 UTC  

Oh I'm aesthetically challenged. I used to date an art student. She took me to a sculpture thing at her school all I could tell her was some of it wasn't structurally sound. I do like hardwoods which is fine because I got a nice 3bed here in the midwest where it is cheap.

2019-03-19 01:27:32 UTC  

Beauty speaks to us on a more subconscious level which we all appreciate at some level. What most people find beautiful are things that are more similar and inspirational to them rather than diametrically different and uninspiring.

2019-03-19 01:30:04 UTC  

That makes no sense. Like dude your handle is a song from a German power metal bandd. that's on the other side of the planet. How is that similar?

2019-03-19 01:32:24 UTC  

Well, having a handle of the St. Andrew’s Cross is not very popular and I liked the song.

2019-03-19 01:33:10 UTC  

Right so you find this different thing from a foreign culture inspiring.........

2019-03-19 01:33:51 UTC  

No, but the polish mercenary who killed commies was.

2019-03-19 01:36:45 UTC  

Rafal? Yeah he's interesting. But again from a foreign culture. So I don't understand this theory you put forward that we find the familiar compelling...

2019-03-19 01:40:33 UTC  

There is no correlation in loving the culture in which your ancestors came from and opening your land to divergent and opposite culture. Indo-Europeans have a lot in common generally with a shared value system even though rivalries and different subcultures exists. The only diversity needed is our own diversity which already exists within the European people.

2019-03-19 01:42:25 UTC  

Wait you're European? I just figured with you talking about all the states you'd been to you were from here. I don't really have strong opinions on what you folks do with or to each other....

2019-03-19 01:45:04 UTC  

Or are you seriously thinking you have some *cultural* connection to people you've never met that died a century ago?

2019-03-19 01:53:24 UTC  

Yeah, counting your linage and who was whose father ended a while ago. However, societies who forget about their history won’t have anyone else to remember it.