Message from @Pengwynn-vꜛ

Discord ID: 567425140007239693

2019-04-15 17:42:22 UTC  


2019-04-15 17:42:29 UTC  

if you renovate the house

2019-04-15 17:42:37 UTC  

surely you're just doing the tenant's work for him

2019-04-15 17:42:38 UTC  

No, because you'd have to find alternative accomdations for the tenant


2019-04-15 17:43:33 UTC  

Actually, I'm not sure about that

That would be pretty crazy

2019-04-15 17:45:08 UTC  

The big example the landlords were giving was repeat delinquency (no payment). They weren't able to evict people under the normal Section 8 as the tenant would pay the arrears and stop paying again, so they'd evict under Section 21, which is now gone. Landlords got fucked.

2019-04-15 18:13:47 UTC  

Legalise all drugs in UK BUT users of them that have health complications related to their use must pay for treatment. Yay<:pepe_smile:378719407977005068> or gay<:pepe_sad:560202541904953365>

2019-04-15 18:23:05 UTC  

>oi bruv u hav ur crack loicense?

2019-04-15 19:02:47 UTC  

Legalise it all but keep the healthcare free. If you start saying "you can't have healthcare because you did this" you could make excuses for everyone i think. You did sport and got an injury you knew the concequences therefore you're not getting it that kind of thing.

But if you commit a crime whilst being on drugs / addicted to drugs you should be forced to go to rehab. And once you're out of rehab that is when your sentence starts. So like if you murder someone you go to rehab and then go into prison.

2019-04-15 19:03:02 UTC  

Of course you need prison reform too but that's another conversation 😂

2019-04-15 19:03:11 UTC  

@Glorious Republic Of Voltein yes if that also means anyone who ever causes their own health problems from overeating, alcohol or smoking also have to pay for their own treatment too


2019-04-15 19:04:43 UTC  

To protest against climate change?


2019-04-15 19:04:55 UTC  

like as in it doesn't exist?



2019-04-15 19:06:47 UTC  

good on them i think. We do need to do something

you first

My Carbon Footprint is already smaller than yours

2019-04-15 19:10:16 UTC  

i mean we live in a society right it shouldn't be "you before me" it should be "us together" no?

2019-04-15 19:10:49 UTC  

Plus it's like ripping off a plaster, once we do the tough parts we won't have to do it again

2019-04-15 19:11:09 UTC  

I think we should go on a war footing for a decade or so and just get it over and done with

2019-04-15 19:18:20 UTC  

> we live in a society

2019-04-15 19:18:25 UTC  

this is true good point

2019-04-15 19:19:46 UTC  

I think the problem with that is that even if say all of europe and the US achieved 0 carbon emissions what about india, china and eventually africa when it inevitably develops?

2019-04-15 19:19:49 UTC  


2019-04-15 19:20:46 UTC  

Obviously the world needs to do it together, but if not maybe the rich nations can invest in space travel once they've got to zero carbon emissions?

2019-04-15 19:20:53 UTC  

Just go to mars and terraform innit

2019-04-15 19:20:56 UTC  

just a thought 😂

2019-04-15 19:21:17 UTC  

But personally i would like to stay on earth

2019-04-15 19:21:29 UTC  

we live in a clownworld

2019-04-15 19:21:57 UTC  

Oh so you are in on the breakaway civilization Alex Jones keeps talking about, well not all of us have sold our souls to the interdimensional aliens you humanoid scum

2019-04-15 19:22:10 UTC  

didn't elon musk suggest we use nuclear weapons to terraform mars?

2019-04-15 19:22:27 UTC  

we need to reduce our carbon print so brad pit can take his private jet to swiss with rest of the world elite where they use helicopters to be transported around so they can virtual signal how important it is for you to reduce your carbon print