Message from @Patty

Discord ID: 570639068715810837

2019-04-24 15:34:22 UTC  

quid quo pro

2019-04-24 15:34:47 UTC  

you're expected to identify as female

2019-04-24 15:35:27 UTC  

if you don't want to transition, you're a transphobe

2019-04-24 15:35:30 UTC  

yeah, that's how bad the neo-Marxist programming has become - these sad fuckers actually take it seriously

2019-04-24 15:35:45 UTC  

...and impose it on society

2019-04-24 15:36:17 UTC  

it's pretty hardcore when you think about it. (the programming) alot of these people mean well... but are just so damn confused

2019-04-24 15:38:07 UTC  

and the useful idiots are often the first to get the bullet when no longer required... but obviously I hope we never get to the stage where they're no longer required because that means they won.

2019-04-24 15:38:59 UTC  

just apply mgtow principals to the red pills

2019-04-24 15:39:05 UTC  

regrettably, we must save them from the said bullet

2019-04-24 15:39:27 UTC  

some people will just take too long to understand... dafuq else can you do but move on and do your own thing

2019-04-24 15:40:31 UTC  

i try. most people irl are receptive..

2019-04-24 15:40:59 UTC  

people are busy chasing their next paycheck to live though... if we weren't, people would be alot more pissed

2019-04-24 15:41:59 UTC  

but that's part of the what / how and why... so, take in all those immigrants, you bigots

2019-04-24 15:44:58 UTC  

The one thing Labour are demanding is for a customs union to be added to Brexit deal...

2019-04-24 15:51:51 UTC  

never going to pass and its going to be bad optics for the GOP... so i don't see why he's even suggesting it

2019-04-24 15:53:15 UTC  

I think it is strange. If you value life so strongly, why on earth would you end a life for ending a life?

2019-04-24 15:53:36 UTC  

```“I think it’s important to remember that if a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, they get charged twice. If you murder a pregnant woman, you get charged twice. So I’m not specifically criminalizing women. What I’m doing is equalizing the law,” Tinderholt said during a hearing Tuesday, according to Fox4 News.```

2019-04-24 15:53:42 UTC  

this bit is the most interesting part

2019-04-24 15:55:14 UTC  

he's not wrong desu

2019-04-24 15:55:55 UTC  

From a purely legal point of view, it makes sense

2019-04-24 15:56:00 UTC  

seems a bit contradictory to say that abortion is fine because foetus =/= person but also killing a foetus in a different context is murder

2019-04-24 15:56:23 UTC  

Not that I agree with it

2019-04-24 15:56:40 UTC  

how it was technically done, i believe, is they argued that the state interest in protecting the unborn child becomes compelling enough to override a woman's right to privacy in her healthcare when it is a certain age

2019-04-24 15:57:27 UTC  

but obviously imo this is kinda retarded, since you're saying the woman has a right to kill someone, intentionally, who has done nothing wrong as long as it's under that age, or direct others to do so on her behalf

2019-04-24 15:58:55 UTC  

personally i think abortion should only be allowable under certain circumstances: When the pregnancy is the result of rape, when the foetus is diagnosed with some sort of life altering disability or when the pregnancy would endanger the womans life

2019-04-24 15:59:20 UTC  

imo it's totally a question for the states to decide, as the constitution doesn't obviously forbid abortion laws of any kind

2019-04-24 16:01:11 UTC  

"This Tweet is unavailable"

2019-04-24 16:02:33 UTC  


2019-04-24 16:04:46 UTC  

I'm not sure I could share original tweet in this Discord... basically ISIS executing a lot of guys face-down in the dirt, and Trevor was reminding everyone "And the good old Labour Party want to let these scum back into our country"

Those poor babies were Groomed

2019-04-24 16:46:06 UTC  

But they are doctors and teachers if we just give them an other chance

No rapists are alloweed to babysit my Daughter 🤷🏿

2019-04-24 16:48:26 UTC  

No rapist are allowed to breath close to a kid if we can help it

```James Whale: "Pop over to the other side of the bridge, find the wine bars, and you'll find them packed out with people who couldn't care less about Extinction Rebellion"

Ben from the Revolutionary Communist Group: "The reality is that this country is not just made up of people who go to wine bars, my friend."

James Whale: "I'm not your friend. Don't assume things."```