Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 572825311901646858

2019-04-30 16:22:47 UTC  

When those totally legit political compass tests tell me multiple parties are in the same corner as Hitler I experience doubt...

if you rermove the whole blaming it all on the Jews

the invading other states you make Breeding Room

you can see that he just had more power than your typical loonie

2019-04-30 16:34:54 UTC  

Yes sure I forgot UKIP had a policy on ethnic cleansing....

Sargon joined the shithole not me bruh

I'm not one of these forgein lads that think UKIP was born when Dankula decided to troll for 10k retweets

2019-04-30 16:39:32 UTC  

does ukip actually have a ethnic cleansing policy

2019-04-30 16:39:41 UTC  


2019-04-30 16:40:46 UTC  

On the same graph Tories and DUP were in the Mussolini section. I am no expert on UK politics but that seems pretty unrealistic.

2019-04-30 16:40:46 UTC  


UKIP is a Conservative pressure group

It is not Liberal

It is Conservative Voters, rejected by two things

Didn't go to Eton

or they don't like that Conservative is Anna Soubry, who is obviously not Conservative

neither is Theresa May

but Boris went to Eton

so he's a TORY

not a Conservative

This man is not a Conservative

2019-04-30 16:44:37 UTC  

Conservative = Nazi? We need to build a wall and make Yurip pay for it....

Boris would be a Whig at best

It's the Conservatives that need to soul search. I as a Liberal say they are not Right-Wing enough

The Overton window would be far more comfy if they moved rightwards, just a little bit

2019-04-30 16:47:13 UTC  

i like tory spellings

2019-04-30 16:47:32 UTC  

they sound posh

annunziata rees-mogg

more posh than you

has less posh accent than her brother

2019-04-30 16:53:27 UTC  

no i meant tories spell posh-like

Too many Wahmens, would not attend

Right-Wing men do not like women

I bet all these women vote democrat when behind closed doors

2019-04-30 17:11:51 UTC  

candace owens and nikki haley are the only ones i know

I'm a big fan of Kayleigh McNany