Message from @folk

Discord ID: 407286508861784074

2018-01-28 19:58:21 UTC  

He's probably a retard.

2018-01-28 19:58:46 UTC  

I still don't think NK developed shit, it was all supplied by Russia.

2018-01-28 19:59:17 UTC  

And it's not just the enrichment, making it go boom is also hard.

2018-01-28 19:59:24 UTC  

See the already mentioned series by Scott Manley.

2018-01-28 19:59:47 UTC  

He goes through all the known details about the early nuclear devices, then how they evolved.

2018-01-28 20:00:49 UTC  

There's even some bullshit on how to create a specific shape with explosive charges, using explosives of different detonation speeds, so all the shockwaves hit the nuclear material at the same time with a spherical shape.

2018-01-28 20:02:51 UTC  

Even on this first video, he talks about how some neutrons are just "too fast" to create a chain reaction.

2018-01-28 20:34:46 UTC  

`The 29-year-old said her "rights are being taken away" and darts accounts for 60% of her income.`

Checkmate Feminists

2018-01-28 20:51:07 UTC  


2018-01-28 21:00:16 UTC  

`I brought up the subject of painkillers with my gynecologist weeks before my surgery. She said that I would be given ibuprofen. “Is that it?” I asked. “That’s what I take if I have a headache. The removal of an organ certainly deserves more.”

“That’s all you will need,” she said, with the body confidence that comes from a lifetime of skiing in crisp, Alpine air.`

2018-01-28 21:00:33 UTC  

`I didn’t mention that I use ibuprofen like candy. Why else do they come in such jumbo sizes at American warehouse stores?`

2018-01-28 21:01:44 UTC  

well, gee, what an excellent argument

2018-01-28 21:02:06 UTC  

that's all she has to say on the subject - american warehouse stores sell them in tubs, so therefore they are not problematic

2018-01-28 21:30:57 UTC  

unfortunately, there's no real content in it except "poor me, I was not ready for this"

2018-01-28 21:31:10 UTC  

`Videos of beheadings are the most feared among content moderators. I have seen indeed quite a lot of them. The content is of course very graphic. But for me the abundance of blood prevents empathy, the death is fast. I struggled not to feel sick. In the period of the Muslim Aid Feast, I had to handle a lot of content of cattle slaughtering. I was disturbed as I realize that they affected me not much differently than human beheadings. Perhaps even a bit more as the agony of the animals lasts longer.`

2018-01-28 21:31:22 UTC  

`ISIS was not the only source of beheading videos. A lot of content was originating from the war against drug cartels in Latin America, Myanmar and even from the southern borderlands of my own country. The ISIS videos were though more sophisticated: the mise en scene and background music were almost making the content unreal when I couldn't discern the last facial expression of the victims.`

2018-01-28 21:46:34 UTC  

Sounds like the Google employees that were used to tag images for the search engine. Had to be cycled out yearly and be given access to a psychologist

2018-01-28 21:55:17 UTC  

`“In reality, a lot of us are anxious, stressed, unhappy, numb,” said Alannah Maynez, 19, a freshman taking the course. “The fact that a class like this has such large interest speaks to how tired students are of numbing their emotions — both positive and negative — so they can focus on their work, the next step, the next accomplishment.”`

2018-01-28 21:55:55 UTC  

`Charlotte Emerson, 18, a freshman in the course, said she worries some students will take advantage of the lack of accountability that comes with a lecture of this size. For example, Dr. Santos is not monitoring whether students complete weekly “rewirement” assignments, like performing acts of kindness and forming new social connections, Ms. Emerson said.`

2018-01-28 21:56:05 UTC  


2018-01-28 21:57:09 UTC  

`What distinguishes Dr. Santos’s course from the one at Harvard in 2006, she said, is that it also focuses on behavioral change.`

2018-01-28 21:57:20 UTC  

also known as: every cults dream

2018-01-28 22:31:05 UTC  

`They reveal the intimate minutiae of a loving SS family, and a man who led a contradictory double life. He travelled to all the concentration camps, doing the financial books and running an SS commercial enterprise producing furniture and war supplies - all made by slave labour.

But in the evening he came home, tended the garden and helped raise four children. `

2018-01-28 22:31:20 UTC  

yes, well, that's not actually a contradiction you imbecile

2018-01-28 22:31:40 UTC  

necessarily, of course

but people with kids cannot do evil things REEEE

2018-01-28 22:36:48 UTC  

it's like that quote
[9:29 PM] DanConway: We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us. -Golda Meir

2018-01-28 22:37:14 UTC  

it's a beautiful quote, but not because it's meaningful - its beaty comes from the naive perception of reality inherent in Golda

2018-01-28 22:37:43 UTC  

because muslims do love their children, but they also _believe_ in allah, and his glory bestowed upon their children in their sacrifice

2018-01-28 22:38:07 UTC  

this kind of belief is almost impossible to comprehend for me

2018-01-28 22:38:30 UTC  

but it is _100% impossible_ for that bbc cuck to comprehend

2018-01-28 23:08:41 UTC  

at least link a better article on the subject if you absolutely must link that shit