Message from @pandaxcentric

Discord ID: 464785593390465024

Modern Greeks are flawed as fuck but I loved my time there

just be careful my dudes

2018-07-06 13:14:48 UTC  

getting consent is easy tho

2018-07-06 13:15:00 UTC  

and what

2018-07-06 13:15:18 UTC  

do people focus more on that instead of being with their partner?

2018-07-06 13:21:07 UTC  

honestly, the metoo movement won't affect people in committed relationships

2018-07-06 13:22:45 UTC  

the hookup culture is going to go away, as a guy it just isn't worth the risk...and I'm not sure it was ever worth the risk for girls anyway (I've heard some sketchy stories from friends)

2018-07-06 13:23:55 UTC  

metoo movement is pretty good imo

2018-07-06 13:24:24 UTC  

People should tell the police immediatly if they get raped

2018-07-06 13:27:23 UTC  


if they could just do that

we wouldn't have to

which we did one time

2018-07-06 13:29:02 UTC  

I think metoo has been hurt by people coming out who weren't victims of assault or rape and just attaching themselves to the movement

2018-07-06 13:29:09 UTC  


2018-07-06 13:29:31 UTC  

people who lie about rape make it harder for rape victims, and destroy lives.

2018-07-06 13:29:32 UTC  

and false rape claims hurt the idea of believing the victim, because we have really visible cases where the girl lied

2018-07-06 13:32:00 UTC  

but I'd guess the culture of picking girls up in bars or clubs doesn't go away...the library is going to be the new place

2018-07-06 13:32:25 UTC  

no chance of anyone claiming they were drunk and couldn't consent at the library (or if they were, that'd be a huge red flag lol)

2018-07-06 13:32:41 UTC  

Wasn't a lot of this addressed in the last TWIS

I mean touching a womans leg ain't rape

2018-07-06 13:32:54 UTC  

hookup culture ain’t that bad with people my age tbh

it's can be a mistake

2018-07-06 13:32:59 UTC  

Never had a problem

as long as both parties understand it's a hook up

2018-07-06 13:33:46 UTC  


it' some friction beween the legs, we ain't getting married

2018-07-06 13:34:45 UTC  

idk, we've had some crazy stories in the US, the big one now is a guy who pre-emptively made a title 9 claim against a girl, because whoever makes the claim first wins

2018-07-06 13:35:27 UTC  

That is true

2018-07-06 13:35:53 UTC  

but title 9 isnt criminal, or really any kind of legal court

2018-07-06 13:36:01 UTC  

like if you hookup, and you're like "oh shit, we were both drunk" pre-emptively filing a claim is the only way to guarentee your safety

2018-07-06 13:36:35 UTC  

yeah, but you still get expelled from school, or suspended until the person who made the claim graduates, a lot of times it's pretty public

2018-07-06 13:36:48 UTC  

even if it isn't a criminal trial, it can still mess up your life royally

2018-07-06 13:37:24 UTC  

just don’t hook up with people who are drunker than you lmao

2018-07-06 13:37:31 UTC  

play it safe

2018-07-06 13:38:14 UTC  

Of course. Title 9 wasnt originally even meant for this. But it isnt going anywhere. This is the sad overreaction to colleges ignoring actual rapes.

Police you own

Rapists sleep with the fishes