Message from @RetardO ExtremeO
Discord ID: 443797836396494869
You guys think Iranian gov actually burnt the flag and chanted death to America?
Or was it a bunch of kikes in shoe polish
Idk or care let them fight if they want, I just don’t want to be involved
Nah it was me
It's easy to stage doctor or falsify video evidence and I don't speak Farsi or w.e so I have no way of telling what they are saying
also this is Israel we are talking about the most evil subversive nation to exist
Unless Iran comes out with an official statement I am not believing the news
That's a good (gorilla) mindset to have
@Chad Right u mad? <:trolled:437512288438714368>
That was a very painful dump I am envious of the gay man's loose birthday streamer like asshole
Eat more veggies bro
Gotta keep your fiber up man
Don't eat fast food either
Don't genocide your gut microbes bro
Think of the gut microbes
P-please respond @Rebics
Imagine countersignaling your race @Chad Right
anti-rust belt = anti-white
@Punished Scaredd#8214 You're not my race, you filthy 56-percenter
Anyone have the original Nick "The Knife" Fuentes art?
It is almost 7 pm in Poland and this guy is busy spamming emojis like a woman on snapchat
Chad right must untergehen
"Chad" Right is untermensch tbh
Does anyone have the original Nick the Knife artwork
dont countersignal the rust belt
That the one person made after the debate with Halsey
I can't find a single copy of it on the twatters or anywhere else that I've looked so far
Mr. Right is in a perpetual state of being mad online because no one wants to talk about his comic books or whatever <:lmaoJUST:402622080719519744>
blue collar jobs are chad as fuck. no women
Bitch please, my book got 208 point here after my post