Message from @TransEgoistCatGirl👻👻👻
Discord ID: 443805972666908673
It really was lmao
or maybe we need intemarium @Chad Right
@Deleted User As a country or as a union?
whatever works but probably union
Yeah, I also prefer union, because we have many languages
i think this is the first time ive been suspended off twitter that is non related to arguing with tranners
I like Hungarians a lot, but hungarian language is different due to their roots and it would be hard to create common languages
But union with our countries could work well due to similar interests and mostly friendly sentiments
all of europe is trash lol
time didnt start until 1776
jesus was the greatest american to ever live
everything else is zog lies
why does the worst alt lite nig thot possible have influence with the pres
> t. 56%
He's a mutt but ill give him one thing, he's not a Sodomite like you
Is he an amerimutt or just one of the chosen people
No sheriff Israel is actually jewish.
Does he have a daughter?
Mutts btfo
he has 3 sons
Feels bad man