Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 430558521013174285

2018-04-03 02:41:44 UTC  

This is why

2018-04-03 02:41:51 UTC  


2018-04-03 02:42:03 UTC  

To have rights you must understand duty

2018-04-03 02:42:12 UTC  

The stratocratic system limits citizenship rights to individuals ABLE BODIED OR NOT, who have shown a commitment and a desire to participate in the democratic system.

2018-04-03 02:42:24 UTC  

You're simply choosing groups who hold opinions or do things you disapprove of to deny voting rights to. This is based entirely on your own personal opinions about what is and isn't beneficial, not to mention the fact that you have absolutely no argument for doing any of this

2018-04-03 02:42:36 UTC  


2018-04-03 02:42:58 UTC  

I just posted the argument

2018-04-03 02:43:17 UTC  

your duty is lesser than mines

2018-04-03 02:43:17 UTC  

And freedom depends on those willing to die for it or it goes away

2018-04-03 02:43:33 UTC  

I piss on your "duty"

2018-04-03 02:43:41 UTC  

autism is lurking and ready to strike at any moment...

2018-04-03 02:43:46 UTC  

No service no rights it always true

2018-04-03 02:44:01 UTC  

Dont fight for freedom and you lose it

2018-04-03 02:44:04 UTC  

The service portion is service in every. single. area. of the federal system.

You can be a desk clerk for all I care.

The point is, is that you had a desire for patriotism, because you wanted to contribute, or to change an injustice through to right means.

2018-04-03 02:44:11 UTC  

Greater good fallacy plus completely arbitrary distinction between who is or isn't allowed to be represented by voting

2018-04-03 02:44:33 UTC  

No it is looking for those who dont want to leech off the system

2018-04-03 02:44:53 UTC  

The problem of democracy is something james madison talked alot about

2018-04-03 02:45:11 UTC  

I fucking hate discord sometimes. I answer the god damned question over 3 comments, and people just move on past yelling at each other.

2018-04-03 02:45:11 UTC  

If you do not have strong individuals the system fails

2018-04-03 02:45:36 UTC  

Just because you aren't "contributing", which is again ***your opinion and based on a sweeping generalizarion***, does not count as an argument for why we should deny rights to millions of people based on ***your*** opinions

2018-04-03 02:45:50 UTC  

@Fitzydog copy paste bro

2018-04-03 02:45:57 UTC  

The strength of the wolf is the pack the strength of thepack is the wolf

2018-04-03 02:46:09 UTC  

Would you like to live in an islamists fantasy ideal state? Why should anyone have to live in your Utopia?

2018-04-03 02:46:19 UTC  

Discrimate again people who serve?

2018-04-03 02:46:25 UTC  

The service portion is service in every. single. area. of the federal system.

You can be a desk clerk for all I care.

The point is, is that you had a desire for patriotism, because you wanted to contribute, or to change an injustice through to right means.

2018-04-03 02:46:32 UTC  

Because absolute democracy will always fail

2018-04-03 02:46:46 UTC  

Which is why we are a representative republic

2018-04-03 02:46:48 UTC  

The stratocratic system limits citizenship rights to individuals ABLE BODIED OR NOT, who have shown a commitment and a desire to participate in the democratic system.

2018-04-03 02:47:26 UTC  

should we implement that?

2018-04-03 02:47:38 UTC  

It'd be easy actually

2018-04-03 02:47:48 UTC  

Which is why land owners started off with the right to vote

2018-04-03 02:47:56 UTC  


2018-04-03 02:47:57 UTC  

Let's have you serve a islamic caliphate

2018-04-03 02:48:03 UTC  

that's some duty right there

2018-04-03 02:48:19 UTC  

It's all about 'Skin in the Game'

2018-04-03 02:49:07 UTC  

Why vote to protect social security

2018-04-03 02:49:17 UTC  

That's based on several assumptions, one is that all people who "serve" are doing so out of benevolence or patriotism, two that those people are better qualified than those who don't serve at making the right decisions, and three is that democracy is only for passing ideas that I agree with and not for providing a voice for *all* people

2018-04-03 02:49:20 UTC  

Because its all about being a leech off a system

2018-04-03 02:49:31 UTC  

What you are advocating for is textbook aristocracy

2018-04-03 02:49:35 UTC  

That will drive the US further into debt

2018-04-03 02:49:43 UTC  

I do actually think you hint at a good argument but the conlusion you have come to I disagree with.
you are supposing service (volunteer work was the example you gave) is more beneficial to the community than people engaging in markets.
Consider the fact that anyone who is employed is contributing to the function their society not to mention they are also taxed.